(AFP) - One month before the Abu Ghraib scandal broke, US Army generals were reportedly told that elite military units and CIA (news - web sites) agents were abusing detainees and "making gratuitous enemies" in Iraq.
According to the Washington Post, a confidential report by a retired colonel, sent to the generals in December 2003, said Task Force 121 -- a joint Special Operacions and CIA mission in Iraq -- had been abusing detainees throughout Iraq, holding them at a secret interrogation facility to hide their activities.
"Detainees captured by TF 121 have shown injuries that caused examining medical personnel to note that 'detainee shows signs of having been beaten,'" Stuart Herrington said in his 13-page report recently obtained by The Washington Post.
"It seems clear that TF 121 needs to be reined in with respect to its treatment of detainees," he concluded.
A US soldier stands guard Iraqis wait outside the Abu Ghraib prison. According to the Washington Post US Army generals were told of prisoner abuse before Abu Ghraib photos(AFP/POOL/File)
Fucking Rummy and his quisling minions testified that "Oh my goodness. I didn't know nothing. I am just as shocked as you are." Which means Bush knew too. He probably ordered it, the fuck head. This shit is beginning to remind me of what we have been taught about the Nazi death camps. I am not kidding you.