Edited on Wed Dec-01-04 11:06 AM by 4MoreYearsOfHell
I basically told him to put up or shut up...I really am tired of these pathetic people refusing to see the truth..
Soooo, Kofi Annan has presided over the largest fraud in history with the Oil-For-Food program. And now we learn his son is a key player and received millions of dollars. But Kofi "is shocked" and "didn't know anything about it". Yeah right, seems to make sense why he and folks like the French were as adamently against going into Iraq as they were now doesn't it? Sure--they want to talk about an "illegal war".........all the while they are being bought off by illegal bribes and kickbacks.
Time for the Affirmative Action hire to go--bubeye Kofi.
Ranks right up there with Halliburton bribing Nigerian officials, doesn't it? (Name deleted), even you have to know how to spell R-E-D H-E-R-R-I-N-G.
So, what are you telling me? That we now went to an illegal war (based on OUR OWN LAWS) in order to uncover the corruption in the oil-for-food program? Whatever happened to the WMD's, or the ties to Al-Qaeda, or the reconstituted nuclear weapons programs, or the Iraqi drones ready to dump anthrax on us from within 45 minutes. Or for that matter, freeing the Iraqis from Saddam (already done that) and spreading democracy at gunpoint.
Send your cute little sound bite to the mothers/wifes/children of the 1254 dead American soldiers, and do not forget to copy the loved ones of the 17,000+ wounded. Then go to the nearest recruiting station and put your money where your mouth is. Until then, quit insulting my intelligence with the latest spin from the Hannity/Coulter assault on America's REAL values.