is anyone else glad to be a freethinker?
i'm convinced (after reading through the evolution/creationism threads) that religion/religiosity/religious thinking are psychological comforts deeply encoded in many humans and woefully intertwined with identity to the extent that people will jump through any hurdles and weave all manner of sophistry to protect their god concepts. there can be no other explanation for the valiant, pathetic, and tenacious defenses of absurdity i see when many people are confronted with reality.
religion/religiosity/religious thinking is a subjective, psychological comfort that is real to the INDIVIDUAL - it might not be real to anybody else.
it is scary to believe in a neutral universe that isn't imbued with anthropomorphic properties. it seems like a cold, scary place, especially when you face the prospect that it all comes from nothing and results in the putrefaction and decay of your body upon death. then try to think that that is ALL. no afterlife, no eternal reward or damnation, no salvation. i really think this thought is too much for a lot of people to bear. i confronted it, went through it (the thought) and now live on the other side of this idea. it isn't a bad place.
geez, then you have to face the prospect that the only meaning in life is the meaning you create - especially if there is no afterlife and your HUMAN existence is the only chance you get. but this doesn't jibe with christian dogma and theology, for denigration of the physical manifestation for the sake of glorifying the spirit and the chance to achieve eternal salvation is central to faith.
dunno, i'd rather deal with life here on earth.