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Ukraine Election: What we won't hear from MSM......

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kuozzman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 12:07 PM
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Ukraine Election: What we won't hear from MSM......
This is a really interesting article about U.S., CIA, IMF involvement the Ukraine election, as well as previous disputed elections throughout the world. It also gives some background info about Yuschenko that I was surprised to read. I'm starting to think that election fraud is the U.S. government/CIA's top priority. The more you read about disputed elections and the U.S. backed candidates in them, the more obvious it seems that we're putting people in power all over the world who agree with U.S. policy. That seems normal, but we're doing it through election fraud. Maybe that's why Shrub is invading countries(more specifically, the country w/the 2nd most oil in the world and a country we've wanted to build a couple pipelines through for more than a decade) and turning them into democracies that elect their leaders with a vote(that we can usually decide). Just in the last decade, we've influenced the election outcome in Ukraine, Georgia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Venezuela(failed), Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro and I'm surely forgetting or unaware of many others. Probably most of the FSU republics, as well as any countries that have some oil. Oh, and of course the United States.


*Yushchenko is not only supported by the IMF and the international financial community, he also has the endorsement of The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) , the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , Freedom House and George Soros' Open Society Institute. These organizations are said to be "uniquely qualified to provide technical assistance to aspiring democrats worldwide."

*Their activities consist not only in organizing exit polls and feeding disinformation into the Western news chain, they are also involved in the creation and funding of "pro-Western", "pro-reform" student groups, capable of organizing mass displays of civil disobedience.

*NED was created in 1983, when the CIA was being accused of covertly bribing politicians and setting up phony civil society front organizations. According to Allen Weinstein, who was responsible for establishing the NED during the Reagan Administration: "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA." (Washington Post, Sept. 21, 1991).

*In a televised address on November 25th, Marchuk, sent a message to the military, police and security forces to disobey the authority of the civil authorities, namely the government of Leonid Kuchma.

*He stressed that election fraud in the Nov. 21 presidential run-off election, which the government says was won by Prime Minister Yanukovych, was on a mass scale. He said that there is only one way out of the tense political stand-off that has engulfed Ukraine since Monday: negotiations between equals.

*This statement by Marchuk, which calls upon the Armed forces and the Police to go against the government, essentially sets the stage for a US-NATO sponsored Coup d'Etat.

*The objective of the Bush Administration is to install a Ukrainian government which is firmly aligned with Washington, with the ultimate objective of displacing the Russian military from the Black Sea.

Who is Viktor Yushchenko? IMF Sponsored Candidate

*In 1993, Viktor Yushchenko was appointed head of the newly-formed National Bank of Ukraine.

*Mr Yushchenko played a key role in negotiating the 1994 agreement as well as creating a new Ukrainian national currency, which resulted in a dramatic plunge in real wages.

*The 1994 IMF package was finalized behind closed doors at the Madrid 50 years anniversary Summit of the Bretton Woods institutions. It required the Ukrainian authorities to abandon State controls over the exchange rate leading to an impressive collapse of the currency.

-Yushchenko as Head of the Central Bank was responsible for deregulating the national currency under the October 1994 "shock treatment":

-The price of bread increased overnight by 300 percent
-electricity prices by 600 percent
-public transportation by 900 percent
-the standard of living tumbled
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enough Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 12:13 PM
Response to Original message
1. See also this thread:

With links to articles in the Guardian and AlJazeera on western influence in this situation.

Thanks for the post, kuozzman.
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bullimiami Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 12:20 PM
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2. if you see the NED involved
you know its fishy.

that is one of the most orwellian names ever, rivaling the patriot act and clear skies initiative.

it is a national endowment alright, but they only support democracy if its UScapitalist friendly.
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breadandwine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:36 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. We need to march against Fox and the rigged election.
Not talk. Action. STREET action. Action in the STREETS. Huge public protest. A joint protest against the rigged election and Fox right in front of Fox World Headquarters in New York with the chant, “Rupert Murdoch, tell the truth! Fascists rigged the voting booth!” Fox is headquartered in mid-Manhattan on the SECOND floor. We’re going to be right outside their windows by the thousands screaming our guts out where they can hear us. Bad vibrations? Too bad studio soundproofing isn’t perfect. We must deny them legitimacy at all costs. Bush didn’t win. His election is a fake. Vast numbers of Americans still don’t know this because Bush shills like Fox cover it up. Fox must be targeted. Their headquarters are in New York. The other papers and media in New York will cover this protest because they all hate Fox’s living guts in New York. See this blog:

A Call To March On Fox
For refusing to tell the truth about the rigged election! —

Read it. Read it all. Contact the blogger there to get involved.

Go to this thread and participate in the discussion — A call to march against the rigged election — includes extensive discussion about the planned march on Fox/rigged election:

Add your comments there, keep that thread kicked. There’s going to be a huge march in New York combining protest against the rigged election and the Bush shills like Fox who cover it up, a double whammy. After that, the cat will be out of the bag and Bush will have lost legitimacy.

Why is that important? Because legitimacy is essential for de facto power. Official or “de jure” power is not enough for a leader to maintain control. He has to also have the INTANGIBLES of legitimacy — de facto authority. That’s why presidents can become lame ducks in their second term. Bush must be denied LEGITIMACY. His whole presidency must be publicly DELEGITIMIZED. People in other countries will hear about the march too. This will add to his difficulties diplomatically overseas. To deny legitimacy we must march against the rigged election.

Where? At the number one shill covering it up — Fox. Fox Headquarters in New York. Fox may or may not admit we are in front of their New York offices but the other New York news organizations will because they hate Fox. See the above blog for full details on that and the whole march plan. See and post on the above thread to get involved. Keep that thread kicked.
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MisterP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 04:53 PM
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3. I recall that Powell, Brzezinski, and Kissinger recently met with
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Lizzie Borden Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 10:49 PM
Response to Original message
5. Yes. There's something strange going on in the Ukraine...
Whenever bush backs something, it always pays to look a little deeper. I think Yushchenko has been bought and paid for.
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