In case anyone was wondering why the "newspaper" kept using right-wing rhetoric in their article....
"... are questioning a pro-family group's..."
"... proposed constitutional amendment that would prohibit recognition of same-sex "marriage."
Here is the deal with The Washington Times. They are owned by The Moonies
Behind the Times: Who Pulls The Strings at Washington's No. 2 Daily?, and here is a subtle smear they snuck in.
They list the names of the fundie bastards associated with this movement, and then in the same paragraph:
"...and Rabbi Barry Freundel of Kesher Israel in Georgetown, the synagogue attended by Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut Democrat."
Anyone else catch that? THE SYNAGOGUE ATTENDED BY Joe Lieberman.
If you don't read carefully, you might think Lieberman was actually affiliated with the group.
I'm not a big fan of Lieberman myself, but it is not fair for an organization masquerading as a newspaper to pull that crap.
If you shake a church full of radical fundamentalist zealots, who always seems to fall out?
George W. Bush and The Moonies
Scary, scary stuff:
George Bush Sells out to the MooniesThe Bush administration has been-- and continues to be-- deeply in bed with "The
From: can proclaim to be the messiah. It’s easy:
find a public place, a corner outside a liquor store,
a city square, and start preaching the gospel. Provided
such individuals are not inciting violence, they’re
entertaining and, at most, mildly annoying when pestering
passersby for change. One can’t really argue with people
who are convinced they are the next Jesus Christ; they will
continue to believe whatever they want to believe.
However, it’s highly unlikely that a self-proclaimed
messiah will get enough attention to get, say, crowned.
Especially not in a ceremony with members of the U.S. Congress
present. Especially not in a Senate office building.
It’s amazing how much “respect” money can buy
these days.
On March 23, 2004, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon,
leader of the international Unification Church (whose followers
are commonly called “Moonies”), was “crowned” at
the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.,
regal robes and all. The event created a media stir in June,
three months after the fact, but Moon’s influence goes much
deeper than the duping of a few senators. Using the millions
of dollars he’s made through thousands of front groups,
Moon has infiltrated the U.S. government, media, and even
public schools in order to further the agenda of what many
critics call a cult religion.
The crowns were technically “Crowns of Peace,” and
the ceremony claimed to be an awards banquet for interfaith
religious leaders actively working to bridge gaps
between beliefs. Several Christian, Jewish, and Muslim
leaders were honored in addition to Moon, but the difference
was that they wore suits while the reverend and his
wife were decked out in robes. He also preached about his
being the messiah and about Stalin and Hitler posthumously
recognizing him as such.
When George W. Bush was sworn into office, Moon’s
Washington Times Foundation threw an Interfaith Inaugural
Prayer Luncheon featuring 1,700 religious leaders,
public officials, and religious right operatives, including
then-Senator John Ashcroft, Representative Davis, Southern
Baptist Convention President James Merritt, televangelist
Jerry Falwell, and Pat Boone.
When Moon launched the Tiempos del Mundo newspaper in Buenos
Aires, Argentina, the elder Bush spoke at the conference
In the late 1970s, Jerry Falwell went on
record to say that Moon’s church exploits children, yet
changed his views when a Unification front group gave him
$3.5 million in 1994 to bail out his rapidly sinking Liberty
With Bush’s faith-based initiative came funding for religious
abstinence-only education. One of the recipients of a
Some of Moon’s most active political organizers
have gained government positions in George W.Bush’s
The rest of the article is at: also:'m _____________ and I approve this Messiah
That didn't take long. After members of Congress invited Sun Myung Moon into the Dirksen Senate Office Building Mar. 23 (as covered exclusively on this blog; here's the impressive guest list), where he was crowned the Messiah, his movement was quick to incorporate images of the event in this movie
about Moon's accomplishments. It's the best footage yet of this remarkable Washington Times event. (This Quicktime movie in English is also excellent, and more accessible.)
the rest:
Do Y'all want to hear about Dubya, The Moonies and the $cientologists, too?