Edited on Thu Sep-04-03 05:43 PM by Kellanved
Remember: Chirac is a conservative - so French conservatives are another matter.
The German Right-Wingers were and are divided; their party line is Iraq ASAP, but many feel that the pope's words count more.
I can't really understand the pro-war RWers here- they broke practically every tradition German opposition foreign policy has, but argued with tradition being their main pro-war argument. That wasn't the most absurd argument; some even claimed Iraqi missiles might reach Munich etc. . Their last candidate Stoiber was anti-EU, arguing for less European integration in favour of more sovereignty and closer German/US ties- practically following Britain. He did not demand those things while he was running, but voiced them during his time as Governor (he returned to that office after losing).
The USA is traditionally seen as the most important ally - a place lost for the moment, but not for long as I believe. Especially the richer conservative voters and donors would not have accepted an anti-war stance. The traditionally right-wing German corporate groups (Siemens for example) are still very fond of Bush BTW.
Last-but-not-least: If the Chancellor had given in, he would have had to resign by now.
EDIT: They're far more cadre-like anyway: membership in the GOP is accepted by the European conservative-parties (and vice-versa AFAIR), they even defended Berlusconi for his Nazi - slip.
Edit2: There even are European on the Freeper board - I googled a Zeit-Article and...