Well many are asking why is it that the people are NOT out there protesting?
Why is it that the people seem not to care.
There are many good reasons... starting with the MSM which likes it this way. It follows with the power elite that just loves it this way... they are sedate Lord, they are like sheep Lord.
Yet, it is also us. Ok, ok, here we are in this nice, comfy echo chamber, talking to each other
Yes me too! Right ON!
Sh... here is a secret, we are in the hardest slog and fight of our life. While some of you are going, well let's run this person in 2008... i say STOP! That is nice, so you will get involved ONLY every four years. Ok, and leave this to the Marketeers
Look around, there are many around here who are very talented... but what it will take is YOU taking a leadership role IN YOUR COMMUNITY day in and day out
It will take going from door to door and educating people
It will take educating people as to the orwellian language they use... Freedom Initiative, ok, it truly means drugging initiative, the drugging OF YOUR CHILDREN without your knowledge
Clear Skyes means removing all the environmental regulations that benefit all.
In other words, talking here and typing messages is as inefective as going to a demonstration once a year or voting every four years. Granted you will feel great after that since YOU DID SOMETHING RIGHT? RIGHT... You need to be in the public square all the time...
Is this easy? Well I must ask, how much do you want it?
And for those of you DOING something, out there... please ignore this message.