Can the differences between Repugs and Dems be surmised as.....
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Wed Dec-01-04 03:53 PM
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Can the differences between Repugs and Dems be surmised as..... |
a simple domestic relationship?
Yes! That's what I heard last night on the Erin Hart show, (710 KIRO) here in Seattle. The Repugs are abusers. They will always be abusers because that's all they know. The Dems are the receivers of the abuse, the victims in this relationship. Theory are always asking "What did I do wrong?" and "What can I do to please better?" among other things. Quotes are taken (on Erin's show) from our leaders in Congress to the DNC.
I'd like to hear your opinions about if our party has been so weaken as to be portrayed as the battered wife!
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Wed Dec-01-04 03:54 PM
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1. Repubs have no Empathy |
either that or they just don't care how others feel.
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Wed Dec-01-04 04:10 PM
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2. Do you see the Democratic Party in an abusive relationship with.... |
the Republician party? I do. I think that we should walk away from these people. they're abusive. That's all they know. We need a safe house to go to.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:33 AM
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