I live in one of Melbournes many beach side suburbs. Every single time I go down a major hwy, in order to go to the supermarket I pass a house. This house is very large, and is right across the road from the beach. Out the front of this house there is two flags displayed. One is the Stars and Strips, and the other is the rebel flag.
I never really paid much attention to it until recently when my mother pointed it out to me. My words then were; "Probably some Bush* loving idiots, who still vote for the boy king while living in another country." (Don't get me wrong here guys, I am not anti American as you all know, and I am certainly not anti immigrant. Australia needs more people.)
Anyway, I was talking to one of neighbours the other day and we got to talking about this house. As it turns out this certain neighbour knows these people. She was telling me that they have been living in Australia for three years. Moved here soon after 9/11. Their reason for moving was simply because they realized their boy king could never protect the people of America properly. However, they still vote for him because they enjoy the lower taxes on their investments they still have back home.
Apparently they are from Texas, and believe slavery should have never been abolished. And they are disgusted with the fact that Australia has given Aboriginal land back to the Aboriginies.
I'm all for people displaying the flag of their nations, but I just can't get past the displaying of the rebel flag. Especially now that I know how these peoples minds work.
If I could I would go there and pull down the rebel flag at night, but unfortunately with this house being on a major hwy, there is just no safe way to do it.
Like I have said many times before, it is these people who are the reason American tourists are faced with the "ugly American" term. It is this kind of arrogance that has given rise to that term.
So how can we work to get that term dropped? I feel sorry for every left leaning American that travels abroad having to apologise for the mistake the majority in their country has done.
Every trip Sapph makes to Australia she will at least once apologise for something America has done. Last time it was because of Bush* and his illegal war.
So what can we do to show the world that not every American tourist is "ugly?"