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If It's 2005, It Must Be Time For Another War by Ted Rall

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genieroze Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 11:53 PM
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If It's 2005, It Must Be Time For Another War by Ted Rall
Edited on Wed Dec-01-04 11:53 PM by genieroze
If It's 2005, It Must Be Time For Another War.

Bushies Gear Up for Invading Iran

By Ted Rall

12/01/04 -- NEW YORK--You've heard this song before. There's this country, see, and they hate America. They'd nuke us if they had the chance, you bet they would. Damn Muslim religious fanatics! Guess what? They have weapons of mass destruction! Either that or their scientists are about to develop them. Whatever--we can't let that happen. We've gotta hit them before they hit us! What's that? Of course we're sure! Our intelligence says so. Huh? No. We can't show you the proof. We'll say this much...a little bird told us. A little exile bird that wants to run the country after we overthrow the current regime. They wouldn't lie, and neither would we. And while we're at it, can we borrow your son for the next few years?

Colin Powell, disgraced by his 2003 fictional anthrax speech at the U.N., is closing his run as Bush's poodle-in-chief with a bravura repeat performance. His last big PR project: conning us into war against Iran.

The Administration's sales pitch for "Attack on the Ayatollahs" reads a lot like the one for "So Long, Saddam." There's a supposed "grave and gathering threat"--a nuclear-capable, America-hating Iran. Even as presented, the intel is sketchy. Iran, Powell says, has "been actively working on delivery systems"--missiles that could carry nukes. During the Cuban missile crisis, JFK went on television to show us the satellite photos. Powell thinks we should believe him just because. "I have seen intelligence which would corroborate what this dissident group is saying," says the outgoing Secretary of Rationalization. Not that there's much there there: "I'm talking about information that says that they not only had these missiles, but I'm aware of information that suggests they were working hard as to how to put the two together." Bombs haven't even started falling on Tehran and the WMDs have already become WMD-related programs.

Powell's intel is enough to make a 2005 gold star mother pine for George "Slam Dunk" Tenet. First, it's ancient. The Iraq WMD info ended in 1998 and was proven wrong in 2003. Powell's claims that Iran obtained schematics for an atomic bomb from Pakistan are even older, dating to 1996. Moreover, the Iran sourcing--the National Council for Resistance in Iran (NCRI)--makes Ahmed Chalabi look like a Boy Scout. The NCRI, a front organization for the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), is a bizarre, Shiite, pro-Baathist (yes, you read that right) guerilla army infamous for crushing the 1991 Kurdish uprising on Saddam's orders. Better yet, it's designated as a "known terrorist organization" by Powell's own State Department.
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blokenblue Donating Member (24 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 12:06 AM
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1. Looks like i am going to win
I said to a friend of mine a couple of years ago that after bushes November selection in late 2004 Iran would probably be his next target ,looks like i am going to be right on both accounts. *sigh*
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genieroze Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 12:18 AM
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2. I hope it's some big bucks because we are all gonna lose.
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