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HItler and Mussolini were so far to the right

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urbanguerrilla Donating Member (134 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 02:53 AM
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HItler and Mussolini were so far to the right
they were banging on the door of the far left. Unlike most tin pot third-world stooges whose only reason for existence is for providing the advanced capitalist countries a labor base, those fascists truly believed their bullshit and actually had some domestic policy not foreign to the New Deal. What I truly fear isn't some fanatic, laissez-faire right-winger coming to power, but if the economy does go in the shitter, I fear the worst kind of politician coming to power, a modern day Theodore Bilbo, a juxtaposition of socialism for Aryans, misery and slavery for everyone else. Not unlike Hitler and Mussolini.
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usregimechange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 02:55 AM
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1. Hitler was a moderate economically and a raving lunatic socially
He was an authoritarian.
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justa Donating Member (90 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 03:47 AM
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2. The one thing Hitler and Mussolini had in common..
they believed the government should help major corporations at the expense of all else (workers rights, environment, individual freedoms and privacy), sound familiar
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Selatius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 04:50 AM
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3. Hitler
Hitler's economic policies, if we're going to use the as a measuring stick, were pretty moderate. If anything, Bush is more rightwing when it comes to economic policies. What makes Hitler stand out is how authoritarian he was. He believed in the state more than the individual when it came to making decisions.

To be more precise, Hitler embodies what I would like to term "authoritarian corporate welfare." Another term could be "authoritarian corporatism." While he was not as rightwing as Bush is today with economic policy, he was not above total collaboration between the state and the corporation. Bush et al. are more subtle than that. This is why no one can claim that the state owns the media in the US. Corporations do instead. It's just that they have a very heavy influence on government at the same time, not the same as a true partnership or collaboration.

My signature gets more to the point though, but I think it's been disabled boardwide. It's a quotation of Mussolini stating that fascism should be redefined as corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power. That is it in a nutshell.

Compare the candidates in 2004:

Now view where people like Stalin and Hitler were positioned:

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YankeeFan Donating Member (217 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 06:16 AM
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4. Mussolini
When Mussolini came to power, he became very popular because “He made the trains run on time.” This should NOT be ignored. It should also be noticed that he got to power several years BEFORE Hitler did.

Now while we can compare the Bush Leaguer to Mussolini (with America's economics), it should be also remembered that Mussolini was shot and hung by his heels at a gas station. He was Very hated by the time of his death.

It would take a very large book to talk about the differences needed to explain why the Bush Leaguer will never be hung from a gas station. Number One being that his term in office will end and there is nothing he can do about it. Il Duce had no such law. I forget exactly when, but he came to power in the 1920's. My best guess is the early half. This means that he was in power for about 20 years. No American president comes close. FDR, while elected to a forth term, died in his 13th year. The Constitution prohibits any president from serving more than two full terms.
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