we support the exposing and prosecution of corrupt officials.
If Kofi was involved in corruption, then he should pay the consequences.
As a liberal, I oppose the unsubstantiated sliming of anyone. The republican attack dogs need to support their charges. Up till now, it does appear that corruption was occurring at some levels among certain officials at the UN. Find them, name them, and clean house. period.
Of course, in rooting out the corruption,
the involvement of certain bush* connected US Corporations also needs to be investigated. These Corporations were named in the Duelfer Report, but censored from the version of the Duelfer report that was released in the US. "The U.S. companies -- including Exxon Mobil Corp., ChevronTexaco Corp. and El Paso Corp. or their predecessors -- and individuals were identified in the Central Intelligence Agency's 1,000-page report on the Hussein regime's campaign, though
their names were redacted from the publicly released version. While confirming that sanctions had prevented Iraq from obtaining weapons of mass destruction, the report by arms inspector Charles Duelfer, released last week, described efforts by the Hussein regime to manipulate the Oil-for-Food program in its favor, circumventing U.N. mandates, and possibly U.S. law." (my bold)
http://www.corpwatch.org/print_article.php?&id=11569I wonder why the names of the US Corporations were "redacted" from the report given to the USMedia????
This is just dishonest PR bluster from the Republicans. They don't want this to go anywhere besides the US CorpoMedia to help slander the UN and divert attention from more important issues in Iraq. The total for the Oil for Food Scandal is about $20Billion. That's chump change for the corporate looting and pillaging in Iraq.
$20Billion disappeared the night Viceroy Bremmer left Iraq.
It is interesting that The El Paso Corp. was involved in this mess. You may remember this Corporation as being one of the Enron front companies that helped rig the California Energy Shortage of 2001.
"El Paso Corporation, the Texas energy company, withheld supplies of natural gas into California during the 2001-2002 power crisis, driving prices to record levels, a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission judge said."
http://www.srimedia.com/artman/publish/article_160.shtm... So the talking points:1) Oppose ALL corruption...some appears to have occurred at the UN. Find out who. Not a reason to condemn the ENTIRE UN because,
2) The UN Inspections and Sanctions were SUCCESSFUL. Saddam was UNABLE to obtain ANY WMD, or reconstitute ANY program to obtain any. The Inspections were 100% successful, an invasion was unnecessary!This is in bold because the NeoCons are trying to use the corruption to slime the Entire concept of the UN.
3) I agree...root out the corruption, but isn't it terrible that so many bush* and Enron connected Corporations were involved. Looks like Cheney and Halliburton were also involved in circumventing the embargo. (cite the Duelfer Report, the uncensored version)
4) $23Billion is alot of money, but it in beans compared to the corruption of the bush* installed programs in Iraq. $20Billion disappeared (vanished) overnight when Bremmer left and the IRC was disbanded. That was YOUR TAX Money, and something needs to be done about THAT corruption.
(need links for the last one)