I just got off the phone with my best girlfriend in Nebraska. Her son is 17 and the past year, year and a half he's been in some minor trouble with the law. Two disorderly conducts and a petty theft charge and was given 40 hours of comm. service, a fine, and is still on probation. Her son finally realized he better change his ways and during this past year has become an almost straight A student and is now the captain of the school band. Minding his curfew and working part time I'd say the young man was doing quite well. Not that he was a "hard core" case to begin with.
Recently he was the passenger in his buddies pick-up going faster than they should be, teenage boys imagine that. A cop attempts to pull them over and the buddy decides to try and evade the police. Once the driver realized he couldn't shake the cops they stopped, jumped out and ran into some fields. They get caught.
The court ordered my friend to take her son to a "behavioral" clinic in Scottsbluff because as the Judge said, he probably needs to be put on medications because it's obvious the boy has major problems and is out of control.
Here's just a few of the questions the clinic asked, get this shit. Are you a homosexual? Have you ever engaged in anal or oral sex with another male? Do you fantasize about boys or men? Do you believe in god? Do you attend church? :wow:
:wtf: What the hell? Even if he did have some "emotional" or "mental" problems, they have no business asking those kinds of questions.:grr: Being gay is certainly no indication of having a criminal mind with emotional or mental problems in need of medicating to "correct" said behavior. And it's also none of their damn business what religion or faith anyone is, or isn't.
This shit has gotten WAAAAAAAAAAY outta hand in this once free country and it's getting worse and worse. It's fucking sickening! :puke: