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Hate Van rolls down San Diego freeway...

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revree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:07 PM
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Hate Van rolls down San Diego freeway...
today on the 15 freeway, we drivers were graced with a huge eyesore. I big colorful van with messages of hate, anti-gay, gays are evil, no homos, gay marriage is evil, abortionists are murderers, etc... on the back was a big yellow Ten Commandments on huge boards tied to car, and on top was the American flag and a sign saying "STOP THE INSANITY, CONTACT CALIF. LEGISLATURES."

The old bastard driving the car was such a hatemonger. My mom and I passed him several times and flipped him off. What a total insult to Christianity and to Jesus.

This on the same day two aggressive young girls come to my door and try to convert me to Christianity.

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LSparkle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:11 PM
Response to Original message
1. Consider yourself lucky ... it could have been
one of those rolling billboards showing what "partial birth abortion" does (more scare/gore tactics on the part of the right). As if freeway driving weren't already bad enough ...
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Greylyn58 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 09:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
15. Argh!!
We had one of those vans roll back and forth through the uptown area one day...right around lunch time. It had these huge, full color signs of aborted fetuses and it quoted bible verses and other things.

I think there was a pro-life group in town at the time and they were everywhere doing stuff.

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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:11 PM
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2. Were they Mormons?
or Jehovah's Witnesses who came to your door? I get rid of them by saying, "I respect your right to your faith. Please respect my right to mine."

As for the old fart on the freeway--realize some people are so consumed with intolerance and hatred they have no room for love in their hearts. They are the real losers.
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SmokingJacket Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:11 PM
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3. He's pretty smart, though.
Your car is your private property, unlike highway overpasses. And people have to look at you.

What if we decorated our cars like this: DEMAND A PAPER TRAIL, or BRING OUR TROOPS HOME, or whatever?

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revree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:14 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. You would probably get run off the road...
for some reason, truth makes people violent.
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ilovenicepeople Donating Member (883 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:28 PM
Response to Reply #5
10. and messages of violence lulls people into complacency
Yep Ive definitely been dropped off on the wrong planet.OH Well at least I've got my Kraft Dinner.:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
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chaska Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:14 PM
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4. I think I saw the same vehicle in Pasadena yesterday.
Wow, small world.
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wildeyed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:15 PM
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6. I added a new bumper sticker to my car this week.
My reply to those ignorant hatemongers. It says 'Blessed are the Peacemakers'. Jesus said this. Jesus never said a word one way or another about homosexuality.
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Jack_Dawson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:17 PM
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7. Saw it too!
Followed him off the Sassafras offramp. Pulled up alongside to wave my finger at him but the old codger just looked straight ahead. It was the most grotesque thing I've ever seen.
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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:18 PM
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8. since you are in san diego
let me bring your attention to this... and yes please distribute

Protest the stolen election.

Rallies to be held...

Sunday December 5th, 1-3 PM Horton Plaza

Thursday December 9th, 3-5 PM, Union Tribune, (350 Camino de la Reina)

On and top of this, Donna has decided to file and keep fighting, but she needs money, pocket book politics to the rescue

Here is the full post, you may or may not have seen it... it came from conversations last night with Lori Saldana and others at the local DFA meeting.

met with Donna Frye's aid and persuaded her to appeal the mayor's race last night! I told her about all the on-line activists who want to help her win and could help send money fast. 5 minutes ago, I got a call saying she will appeal! (She was ahead as a Democratic write-in candidate until a judge tossed out ballots with her name written in, but bubbles not filled in). Details below. Please KICK this!

Dear Progressive Friend-

Donna Frye, the progressive write-in candidate for mayor in San Diego is under siege. She needs the help of every progressive across the country. Battle lines are drawn every day in our fight to provide for a better future. For those of you "in the know" the battle is real and ugly and expensive here is San Diego. Due to our San Diego campaign finance laws, Ms Frye can only accept contributions from individuals in the maximum amount of $250. This was fine for the campaign, as she runs a tight ship, but there are THREE legal battles raging right now that would affect her right to be a write in candidate and voters rights to have every vote count. And she can not go back to her loyal supporters for additional funds because we already gave the maximum amount.

How can you help? It is very simple we are asking every progressive from every state to contribute $50 to Donna Frye's campaign. It is easy and painless. You can go to her web site and use a credit card or you can follow instructions on how to send a check. If you can give more than $50, my hat is off to you. If you can only give half then we understand how tough the economy has been and appreciate whatever assistance you can provide. Just be sure to include your proper information so that Donna abides by all campaign reporting laws.

The basic crisis of this situation is that Donna needs to respond in court to every one of these lawsuits as a party of interest. Even though she has filed none of the suits, since they directly affect her, her candidacy, and the basic right to have every persons vote count, she must mount a legal defense in each case. Two are state court cases and one is federal. This effort is estimated to cost upward of $120,000.

As a founding trustee for Progressive San Diego I profoundly want positive change for our city. As a Donna Frye supporter I want her to win. As a citizen I want my vote to matter and the votes of each and every voter to be counted. But this will not happen without a court order. The latest controversy lies in the fact that three to nine votes in every precinct wrote in "Donna Frye" and failed to fill in the bubble next to her name. Where did I get those numbers you will ask? I am one of the observers for the Frye campaign who watched the election workers tally the write in votes. I saw the actual ballots with her name written in and yet were not counted (because they lacked a bubble). These votes are the difference between progressive victory and "business as usual". We have non partisan elections here, and the two establishment candidates on the ballot are republicans who both voted to underfund our pension fund, a strategy which has cost our city its credit rating. The injustice and decline of our society will continue if we do not fight to ensure those votes are counted.

For more information on our battle please visit Donna's website. I know the New York TImes and the Chicago Tribune did informative articles and Donna's web site can lead you to others. Below is also a copy of the Neil Morgan piece that sums up our feelings about the situation.

Thank you in advance for helping advance progressive politics.

Anne Dierickx
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:25 PM
Response to Original message
9. Jeez, that sounds like an old fart in a similar type decorated
van who used to hang around the supermarket parking lot in my town (Pismo Beach area). He harassed the shoppers telling them the end was coming and that they were all going to Hell if they didn't repent. My husband once told him he'd make a point of going to Hell so he wouldn't have to run into him in Heaven. They almost came to blows a couple of times and I had to pull my husband away. I didn't need two old geezers in a shoving match.

Then he disappeared. The authorities must have run him out of town. He struck me like he was living in the van and was a transient not to mention demented. It looks like you guys have a new resident. My condolences. If we had decent health care mental cases like him could be taken care of and kept off the streets. I genuinely feel sorry for people like this. They can't be happy and they can't enjoy their lives.
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Sara Beverley Donating Member (989 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:29 PM
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11. If the Reagan administration taught us to be comfortable with our
prejudices, the Bush administration and its supporters have taught us that "hate" is a sacred and patriotic duty. Does this hate mongering really represent the majority of Americans? I am beginning to believe that it does. It not only represents the majority of Americans but a sizeable portion of newly-arrived Americans who have left their fascist Balkan and EU countries to come here because it was not only easier to express their wanton prejudices but they could do it with economic benefits as well. Some of the nastiest and meanest people I encounter in my neighborhood supermarket can hardly speak English but they already know how to make unkind remarks to clerks and anyone who get in their way. "They act as though they own the joint." said one of the supermarket cashiers who was given a hard time by one of these newcomers. I have nothing against immigrants except when they belive that they are a privileged class who should adopt the very worst behaviors of our culture. Arrogant and elitest is what the majority of these people seem to be in my neck of the woods. The most arrogant I have observed are Russian-speaking Croation, and a group of Asians. Our area, right outside of Wash. DC has easily identifiable enclaves of immigrant groups and must of them are known to the community. I must say, though, that their children seem to not have the same arrogance and hubris that their parents and grand parents demonstrate.
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Lucky Luciano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:37 PM
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12. I think with the girls trying to convert you
that you should have done a beavis and butthead routine....

"'m gonna score....huh-huh-huh....huh-huh-huh..."


I calmly introduce them to my belief, "why I would be glad to disucss religion with you. Golly...I am a pagan satanist. We are having a seance in the woods tonight. Would you like to join us? It should be a lot of fun! We will have campfires, kool-aid, and food! While we are there, you can teach us about Christianity and we can teach you about fantastic orgies followed by ritualistic sacrifices."

Say it all with suburban whiteboy smiles...or if you are a female, say it like June Cleaver or something.
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HawkerHurricane Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 07:59 PM
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13. Seen him.
When stationed at the navy hospital, he's a disabled vet... obnoxious as hell and we'd gotten multiple complaints about him and his van. We made him shut up, but couldn't touch his vehicle. Believe me, I checked... his registration was good, and he parked between the lines...
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peacetalksforall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 08:57 PM
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14. Daily Show last night - Steven C.
After showing a clip of Falwell spewing hate at Moslems and ending with a statement of wiping them away in the name of the Lord, Colbert reported that Jesus just quit.

I think we need to create an association/think tank that will work towards educating the world that the people in this country are not all hate breeders and messengers such as Falwell, Robertson, Jones, Roberts and ultra-moralists such as Bennett Shaefley(?)Heston and Hatch.

Just had a thought - how do we distinctuish between the two factions of nazis in our country? Maybe there are three nazi types.

1. Politicians who are taking away our constitution to create and impose uniquely American nazi-fascism control over us and the world.

2. Reverends who are equal in bigotry to the Germans nazis.

3. Aryan-nation nazi sympathizers.
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