this link was in an email from a Clark Yahoo group Asked Questions
Who are the people behind ChooseTheBlue?
We are ordinary Americans who are concerned about what is happening to our country and constitution. Prior to this last election we had not been politically involved beyond voting. Following the November, 2004 elections we felt powerless when the small margin of victory was claimed as a large mandate by the Republican White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. We wanted to have our voices heard, and felt that one way of doing that was to direct our spending towards companies who support candidates and issues in which we believe. Many of our friends thought this a great idea and we started building Our research has highlighted to us the stunning amount of money that corporations donated this election cycle. It has been fascinating to trace donations and to learn what products belong to which companies. Our goal is to provide people with information about political donations so they can make informed choices about where to shop. We believe that we can make a difference by adjusting our spending.
We hope you find ChoosetheBlue helpful and we welcome suggestions from our supporters.