I've stopped watching the cable shows and I feel much better.
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:12 PM
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I've stopped watching the cable shows and I feel much better. |
Edited on Thu Dec-02-04 07:12 PM by Tony_FLADEM
Who needs them. Let MSNBC and CNN broadcast to no one and let the others get their daily distortions with Fox. The only one I will watch is Olbermann and only for stories related to the elction.
Everyday it's TVland and DU for me.
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:14 PM
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1. I've started weaning myself off cable news |
Lately I've really enjoyed becoming a TCM junkie -- last weekend it was an Abbott & Costello marathon and "Gone With The Wind", this weekend I saw "Doctor Zhivago" twice ... I may be in recovery here. But I'm not giving up my Olbermann (and maybe "Now" with Bill Moyers).
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:16 PM
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2. Me too! I don't watch that crap anymore. |
and I blocked Fox from my house.
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:21 PM
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i thought i was the only one who retreated to TVLand and DU!
tvland is total escapism, but it's what i need right now. i have it on all night as my 'white noise'.
Nag Champa
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:22 PM
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4. Thats the 12 step program I need. |
I'm going to go nuts watching these hacks verbally felate guys like Falwell and Robertson while painting people like Nancy Pelosi as someone just left of Stalin.
You have made a wise choice and I just may join you.
I'm going with CSPAN, DU, Criterion Collection DVD's and porn. I do enjoy the Washington Post online...maybe I'll keep that too.
Keep comin' back. It' works if ya work it. (12 step shiznit)
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:23 PM
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5. I dropped my cable last year |
from what I read on here, I'm not sorry...
I'm not paying to have that shit in MY house. :puke:
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:25 PM
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insists on keeping the cable. I rarely watch it anymore. I feel so much better now.
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:25 PM
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7. I have watched about 2 minutes of cable "news" since September. |
Edited on Thu Dec-02-04 07:26 PM by AlinPA
I do watch Dan Rather at 6:30 PM, use the Internet and read three newspapers every day - and DU every chance I get.
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:26 PM
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8. I stopped watching on Nov 3rd. I think a lot of us have done that. |
Hopefully our not watching will have the effect of the news becoming more objective and more relevant. If that happens we might return to watching.
I refuse to watch a bunch of conservative and fundie talking heads as they try to tell us how they are going to change the country around so that they can win the cultural war, and how valueless and unpatriotic we all are for disagreeing with them.
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:30 PM
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:56 PM
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10. Went cold turkey. Nov 3rd I stopped watching the news and a week |
later, I canceled my cable. I don't miss it one bit.
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Thu Dec-02-04 07:59 PM
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11. I stopped watching CNN |
just before the election. I don't get MSRNC, and why bother with fox? I feel alot better not listening to the lies and whitewash.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:32 AM
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