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D.U. The transformation of semen into a caustic alkali.

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MSgt213 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 08:00 PM
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D.U. The transformation of semen into a caustic alkali.
Weapons of Self-Destruction
Is Gulf War syndrome - possibly caused by Pentagon ammunition - taking its toll on G.I.'s in Iraq?
(page 2 of 8)
By David Rose

The U.S. suffered only 167 fatal combat casualties in the first Gulf War. Since then, veterans have claimed pensions and health-care benefits at a record rate. The Veterans Administration reported this year that it was paying service-related disability pensions to 181,996 Gulf War veterans-almost a third of the total still living. Of these, 3,248 were being compensated for "undiagnosed illnesses." The Pentagon's spokesman, Dr. Michael Kilpatrick, deputy director of its Deployment Health section, says that Gulf War veterans are no less healthy than soldiers who were stationed elsewhere.


If D.U. is as dangerous as its critics allege, it can kill even without causing cancer. At her home in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Susan Riordon recalls the return of her husband, Terry, from the Gulf in 1991. Terry, a security captain, served in intelligence during the war: his service record refers to his setting up a "safe haven" in the Iraqi "theatre." Possibly, Susan speculates, this led him behind enemy lines and exposed him to D.U. during the long aerial bombing campaign that preceded the 1991 invasion. In any event, "when he came home, he didn't really come home," she says.

At first, Terry merely had the usual headaches, body pain, oozing rash, and other symptoms. But later he began to suffer from another symptom which afflicts some of those exposed to D.U.: burning semen. "If he leaked a little lubrication from his penis, it would feel like sunburn on your skin. If you got to the point where you did have intercourse, you were up and out of that bed so fast-it actually causes vaginal blisters that burst and bleed." Terry's medical records support her description. In England, Malcolm Hooper, professor emeritus of medicinal chemistry at the University of Sunderland, is aware of 4,000 such cases. He hypothesizes that the presence of D.U. may be associated with the transformation of semen into a caustic alkali.

"It hurt too. He said it was like forcing it through barbed wire," Riordon says. "It seemed to burn through condoms; if he got any on his thighs or his testicles, he was in hell." In a last, desperate attempt to save their sex life, says Riordon, "I used to fill condoms with frozen peas and insert them with a lubricant." That, she says, made her pain just about bearable. Perhaps inevitably, he became impotent. "And that was like our last little intimacy gone."
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Rabrrrrrr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 08:04 PM
Response to Original message
1. Cripes
that's awful.

And we're stull using D.U. That shit ought to be banned internationally.

But of course, our shithead McFuckHead Cokeaddled cockknocker of a fake "president" doesn't care about international law anyway, including the Geneva Convention, so no sense making it illegal anyway.
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MSgt213 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 08:16 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. These guys are not counted as wounded or anything when it comes to war
I know some might be duplicates. You know suffering some of the injury type where they might be counted. But I wondered how many aren't. There are over 28,000 and counting.
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