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MidEastMan Donating Member (33 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 08:07 PM
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From the Geneva Convention Group (web site coming soon)
The Geneva Convention Group is a private, non-profit organization; consisting of highly motivated professionals and informed American citizens; who are absolutely dedicated to restoring ethics, in the treatment of international prisoners of war. We are a newly founded organization with a diverse staff; including attorneys, physicians, elected officials, and concerned moms and dads.


Our Message to Our Soldiers is this:

Among you are military personnel who are keeping notes. This is usually a quiet, but not always, group of “watchers” who are with you day in and day out; and they see what is going on around them! They may pretend to agree with “everything” that is going on, so they don’t get shot in the back but, they are really soldiers and human beings who are fed up with the abuses that are occurring right in front of them.

It has been hard in the past for the watchers to prevent various abuses that have occurred, due to cover-ups at higher command levels. This however, is changing! Under pressure them-selves now, your command is not nearly as likely to risk their own careers, by covering for any “stupid” soldier. They know now that there is going to be accountability for what occurs on the battle field; and whether they let you know it or not, they will now give up malicious and abusive soldiers; much faster than even military police informants would! The excuse, “I was just following orders” is no longer sufficient in protecting flagrant law-breakers.

If you are an American or British Soldier, and you have witnessed an abuse perpetrated against Any P.O.W. - please contact us. If you have seen any prisoner’s hands tied too tightly; or anyone exposed to religious ridicule; or any theft occurring in a suspected resistance fighter or prisoner’s home; or anything that you feel may constitute breaches in the Geneva Convention, please contact us immediately. We may even be able to take some action against ‘unprofessional conduct’ outside of the Geneva Convention; such as the use of inappropriate language; or desecration of religious materials, or religious areas.

If we determine any soldier’s testimony to have a legitimate claim, we will respectfully integrate that soldier into our process for seeking justice. The first step in our process is to inform the soldier of his or her options, and determine which course of action that they are comfortable in taking. Our first course of action is usually to gain media attention, and then press hard for any abusive officer or enlisted personnel to be tried and punished in military court. This is a difficult course though, as justice may be hard to find in this manner. Often times, if a service-person would wish to remain anonymous until they are out of the military, or if justice were to stall in military bureaucracy, it may be more appropriate to aggressively seek compensation in the United States Federal Courts; after our witness were to be more protected under civilian law. Settlements may reach in the millions of dollars for certain abuses, and even witnesses may be eligible for compensation; in the form of cash or honors. Under certain circumstances, criminal charges may also be brought in civilian courts; with criminals facing decades of prison time for their heinous crimes. Whatever the course of action taken though, we offer a solemn promise, that we will fight on the side of victims and witnesses, until justice has been served!

Pacify Your Conscience and Contact Dr. Jacobs:
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Nikepallas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 08:14 PM
Response to Original message
1. I love the note and it does make a STRONG statement BUT
If these informants are found out..could "accidents" not happen to them?

I just fear for their lives. I mean on the QT a friend's brother was kind of becoming to Observant and was kind of "taught" to keep his eyes close and mouth shut.

I won't go into details I don't even know the whole story but the whole family is terrified
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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 08:16 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. That is part of the tactics used to keep people silent
The family is right to be terrified, but.... our ethics demand we do this...
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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 08:15 PM
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2. kick and thanks
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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-02-04 09:03 PM
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4. kick
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