Edited on Thu Dec-02-04 08:33 PM by indigobusiness
any discussion or debate is futile without an adequate set of facts.
The problem with the left/right political debate is the dearth of facts and conflicting definitions. The public discourse has devolved into noise, yet everyone is running around defending the meaningless squabble.
There are important issues to iron out, and serious suffering to address, but we are getting nowhere in this chaos. Let's stick to what is known clearly. And demand further clarity. BS walks.
No more allowing the hiding of embarassing data under the cloak of national security. National security is one thing, abuse of power is another. It is automatic to hide embarrassing facts behind "national security", and that is a clear abuse of power.
No more plausible denial when photographed with hand in cookie jar..."I was actually refilling the cookie jar, your honor...it just looks like I was stealing."
It must be recognized that the playing field is as unrealistic in its delineation as the game is rigged. Changing the nature of the current contest is the only way to win the real war.