Just some quick reminders on why Bush will lose in '04
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Thu Sep-04-03 06:01 PM
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Just some quick reminders on why Bush will lose in '04 |
He lost LAST time. All it will take is the swing of one state to make Jebland immaterial..
He is a wimp and a loser. He deserted from the National Guard for crissake. The guy couldn't commit to a weekend a month! How hard do you think he will fight for another four years of a real job?
He has never won anything in his life...ever. All of his businesses failed. His one plan as governor of Texas is an abysmal failure (50% droput rate in Texas High Schools?)His next campaign will be a failure.
He can't think his way out of a paper bag. This has to come back to haunt him eventually.
people are REALLY pissed off. Look at California, we are willing to replace the Governor with an Austrian weightlifter just to shake things up. Is it possible for every incumbant to lose in the next election?
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