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More refugees arrive in Windsor from Detroit ahead of asylum change

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Occulus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 01:44 AM
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More refugees arrive in Windsor from Detroit ahead of asylum change

"MONTREAL (AP) — Refugee advocates and immigration officials are bracing for a mad rush of asylum-seekers at the Canada-U.S. border in anticipation of a tightening of asylum rules that could take effect soon.

Rising numbers of asylum-seekers have been arriving at border crossings at Windsor, Ontario-Detroit and Fort Erie, Ontario-Buffalo, N.Y., authorities say.

The number of refugee arrivals is also increasing south of Montreal at Lacolle, Quebec, where immigration officials sent five claimants back to the United States on Tuesday.

The Safe Third Country agreement between Canada and the United States says a refugee claimant arriving in North America will only be able to apply for asylum in the country where they first land."

Does anyone know anything about this? Was it already posted, and I somehow missed it?

"Safe Third Country agreement"? :wtf:

Does this affect us, or only people coming here seeking asylum who then decide to go to Canada instead?

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Penguin31 Donating Member (208 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 01:48 AM
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1. Not Us
From the CIC site:
Article 2

This Agreement does not apply to refugee status claimants who are citizens of Canada or the United States or who, not having a country of nationality, are habitual residents of Canada or the United States.
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Occulus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 02:00 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Ok, well, great
but that doesn't change the fact that North American law now says people don't have the right to change their minds after they get here.

And, in future news....

"AP- White House correspondents today reported that persons who have been granted asylum from other nations under the Safe Third Country Agreement may, at their option, serve in the US armed forces and, in return, receive permenant US citizenship upon completion of their service.

President Bush called the decision a "bold new form of asylum which will allow immigrants to prove their loyalty and patriotism."

However, other sources are less enthusiastic about the plan.

"We think this is a crock of (expletive)," quipped an INS official who asked not to be identified.

"So do we," added a nearby immigrant who overheard our question. "But, with the citizenship requirement so long and arduous here, we are considering that option- and never mind the fact that we would be fighting our former countrymen. America is the best country in the world," he said with a proud smile."

GAAAAAHHHH! They are so transparent, I'm writing the news..... before it happens!!!
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proudbluestater Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 01:51 AM
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2. I'm reading John Dean's book, Worse than Watergate now...
Edited on Fri Dec-03-04 01:52 AM by proudbluestater
And it concentrates heavily on the SECRECY of this regime. I had no idea any sort of agreement was signed. When was it signed? Why did it get no mention in the press?

I hope to God it does not include Americans, but why else would they write an article about it if it did not?

I am seriously thinking of helping my sons across the border should the regime go ahead with their plans to invade Iran. I hope that will not be impossible. Over my dead body they will fight for the crazy neocons in their quest for world domination. Let the Repukes sign their kids up FIRST.

Off the topic, but the day after the election there was an army recruitment flyer on my doorstep. Not wasting any time. Got another call tonight from a recuiter. Sorry, my kids are NOT your cannon fodder.
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