Perhaps national democrats are content being the money party?
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Fri Dec-03-04 03:24 AM
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Perhaps national democrats are content being the money party? |
The DNC raised slightly more than the RNC. Maybe they are happy with this and are happy being the money party like the Republicans. All they do is keep asking us for money, and they don't really contest anything i.e. being bipartisan on the 'help america vote act' and not fighting diebold e-voting and other issues they should have fought.
Lucky Luciano
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Fri Dec-03-04 03:29 AM
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Edited on Fri Dec-03-04 03:31 AM by Lucky Luciano
Help America Vote Act = Disenfranchisement Wage War = peace No CHild left behind = Leave poor children behind 9forgot to mention that caveat!) Patriot Act = Give up the rights that true patriots fought for Increased spending with massive tax cuts = good for the economy Right = Left Black = White Insane, huh? Many people fall for it...though I still say it is less than 50%!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:31 AM
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