I posted this link before though it's quite OT in the context of what you say in your message. The early Americans ( up until the late 19th century) tried to limit the power of corporations because the threat to democracy was recognised. We are moral beings and exercise moral choice in our actions. Corporations don't give a monkey's crutch piece about morality and generally operate on an amoral level.
http://dieoff.org/page12.htmI have a theory that corporations are behind much of what is currently happening in geopolitics. We tend to focus on individuals such as the semi-literate oil spiv who is your president but the real power behind the throne lies in corporate hands...big mining, big logging etc. A couple of years ago the UK press ran a major article about how the spiteful actions of "big tobacco" made the Clinton-Lewinsky into such a big issue; bet it wasn't covered over the pond. When one looks at the matter objectively it becomes clear that to spend huge amounts of public money over a blow job and some hanky panky with a cigar was laughable to the point of being farcical. What a completely pointless diversion from the real issues facing the world. Most Europeans wouldn't give a toss about something that is integral to r/l but then I suspect around half the US adult population wouldn't either. Sexual morality scandals (sic) are just a smokescreen to divert attention away from the real issues and the power elite uses that to the full.