Teacher foils boy's suicide attempthttp://www.indystar.com/articles/6/199426-7136-102.html Associated Press
December 3, 2004
FORT WAYNE, Ind. -- A teacher had to stop a second-grader from jumping out a window, the second time the boy has tried to kill himself at the school in two months, police said.
When Fort Wayne Police went to Adams Elementary School just after 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, the boy was wrapped in a blanket. He was later taken to Parkview Hospital to be evaluated.
The incident began when the student took off his shoes, jumped from his desk and ran to a second-floor window, police said
"I'm going to jump out the window," he told the teacher. "You'll never see me again." He had trouble opening a window latch, and the teacher was able to grab and pull him down, police said.
With the teacher holding onto one of his legs, the boy used his free leg to kick her in the stomach, chest and ribs, police said. The teacher was able to hold on until the principal and security arrived. The extent of the teacher's injuries was not known.
Anyone wanna wager what sort of mood controlling cocktail this kid is on ?? :mad: