So what about the shots, but when they've just blown in with the Littlest Chimperor the jabs at the hosts seem pretty damn crude to me.
Here's the Canadian coverage...
Ottawa — From the moment he landed in Ottawa, Dana Milbank, the White House correspondent of The Washington Post, had one thing on his mind — getting a flu shot.
With the U.S. influenza vaccine supply severely restricted, the reporter had done his research before he got on the press plane yesterday morning, and he darted out to a downtown Ottawa clinic as soon as he could.
“It cost only $20 Canadian,” Mr. Milbank triumphantly announced to his fellow scribes in the press room set up in the government conference centre across the street from the venerable Château Laurier. “That's something like 89 cents American.”
Some journalists seemed to place their hope for excitement on the prospect of some serious demonstrations, but even that provoked some innocent jabs at Canadian niceness. One journalist said the protesters were about as nasty as Canadians can be. “They frowned,” he quipped.
The reporters spent most of the morning learning about the visit from all-news TV, occasionally venturing out to watch the unfolding demonstrations. But soon their minds turned to more important matters — seeking advice from their Canadian counterparts on a good place to have dinner. are jokes. I know it. Even Canadians say funny things about Canada. It's just hard to escape the feeling that we're digging in deeper, buying into the Ugly American image on all levels.