Fallujah's 9/11:
U.S. Used Weapons
of Mass Destruction
http://www.BreakForNews.com/articles/Fallujah911.htm November 9th, 2004 was Fallujah's 9/11 Tuesday. It marked the peak of 3 days of indiscriminate bombing by US forces.
The bomb blitz featured weapons of mass destruction:
banned napalm-type munitions, chemical poison gas and super-bombs of up to 2,000-pounds.
The ground assault was also indiscriminate. The target was a city where at least 60,000 civilians outnumbered rebel fighters by over thirty to one.
The evidence of those crimes is accumulating, as accounts by aid workers' from inside Fallujah manage to bypass reporting restrictions.
At least three independent reports indicate that the US forces used chemical poison gas in Fallujah. Within days of the start of the assault IslamOnline.org was reporting:
“The US occupation troops are gassing resistance fighters and confronting them with internationally-banned chemical weapons,” resistance sources told Al-Quds Press Wednesday, November 10. The fatal weapons led to the deaths of tens of innocent civilians, whose bodies litter sidewalks and streets, they added.
“The US troops have sprayed chemical and nerve gases on resistance fighters, turning them hysteric in a heartbreaking scene,” an Iraqi doctor, who requested anonymity, told Al-Quds Press.
“Some Fallujah residents have been further burnt beyond treatment by poisonous gases,” added resistance fighters, who took part in Golan battles, northwest of Fallujah.
US Troops Reportedly Gassing Fallujah, Islam Online
Respected, independent journalist Dahr Jamail (IPS) files reports for The Nation, BBC, Democracy Now!, and other stations. On November 26, 2004 he reported:
The US military has used poison gas and other non-conventional weapons against civilians in Fallujah, eyewitnesses report.
”Poisonous gases have been used in Fallujah,” 35-year-old trader from Fallujah Abu Hammad told IPS. ”They used everything -- tanks, artillery, infantry, poison gas. Fallujah has been bombed to the ground.” Hammad is from the Julan district of Fallujah where some of the heaviest fighting occurred.
'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah, IPS Also
Activist journalist Ewa Jasiewicz recently had 'disruption' charges laid against her for protesting at an Iraq privatization conference last April. She had just returned from 9 months solidarity work with refugees and women’s groups in Iraq. On Saturday November 27th, 2004 she reported:
Residents of the Hay Julan area who were able to flee Fallujah described an apple smelling chemical with which they were exposed to before the main onslaught into Fallujah. There was a break of about half a day between the presence of the gas/chemical and when the main assault started.
The chemical created open wounds on the skin which were very hard to treat. After a while all exposed areas on the skin were cracked and bleeding. People came out of Fallujah with these injuries. They described smoke, a sweet smell and when they were exposed to the smoke, they coughed up blood and had cracked bleeding skin.
Most of these families were hiding. When they smelled the gas they thought this was a gas attack and fled their homes and made their way through small backroads unoccupied by Occupation Forces. This happened at the beginning of the attack on Fallujah – around 2 weeks ago.
A US command prepared to use chemical weapons is unlikely to balk at the use of the banned incendiary weapon of napalm. Indeed, in August last year, the US admitted dropping napalm bombs during the three-week invasion of Iraq, despite earlier denials by the Pentagon.
Reports of the attack on Fallujah indicate that weapons indistinguishable from napalm in their effect were used again. Dahr Jamail reports again:
”They used these weird bombs that put up smoke like a mushroom cloud,” Abu Sabah, another Fallujah refugee from the Julan area told IPS. ”Then small pieces fall from the air with long tails of smoke behind them.”
He said pieces of these bombs exploded into large fires that burnt the skin even when water was thrown on the burns. Phosphorous weapons as well as napalm are known to cause such effects.
”People suffered so much from these,” he said.
http://www.BreakForNews.com/articles/Fallujah911.htm Live from Baghdad, Topic:US WMDs - mp3
Dahr Jamail - journalist
http://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/audio/InsideTrackNews041201b.mp3Interview: Eva Jasiewicz -journalist
Fallujah WMD's - mp3