> Touching genitals can result in pregnancy
I got my wife pregnant before we ever had sex. This was in the late 50's, and it was quite a ... um ... problem. We got married 2 weeks after she found-out. You don't have to have penetration to get a woman pregnant. It's extrememly unlikely, but it can happen. I guess they should preface that statement with touching genetals after the male ejaculates can result in pregnancy.
> Abortion can lead to sterility and suicide
A friend's daughter is sterile after a bad abortion. That is true, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Having an abortion is much safer than taking the pregnancy to term. A woman is much more likely to end-up sterile after having a child. So yes it can lead to sterility, but it is safer.
> Condoms fail to prevent transmission of HIV in 31% of incidences of heterosexual intercourse
I don't know about the 31% part, but that is possible. My poor son and his wife just had a baby. They said they used condoms 100% of the time, but after three months of living together, his wife still got pregnant. That scares the hell out of me. If semen can work it's way out of a condom, why can't infected blood? I'm glad now I'm married and old rather than single and young. Things are scary now.