Just a reminder of what Democrats stand for! We're the best.
http://www.geocities.com/hr_land_rights_hemayet/Why We Support Kerry & Appeal For Your Support
The Democratic Party has a long and proud history of representing and protecting the interests of working Americans and guaranteeing personal liberties for all. Democrats believe in action to make the world more safer, to ensure world peace, to give value to humanity, to promote democracy, human rights, freedom, and opportunity around the world, starting by winning the peace in Iraq; let USA respect the world - and let the world respects USA. One of the places Democrats articulate their beliefs is in the Party's National Platform, adopted every four years by the Delegates at the National Convention which is also available in our website - Democratic Party's Platform .
Vote for Democratic President Candidate John Kerry. to make the world more safer
Vote for Democratic President Candidate John Kerry who will offer a comprehensive immigration reform bill for undocumented workers who will assume all of the rights and responsibilities of USA-citizenship from which thousands of Bangladeshi will be benefited.
Vote for Democratic President Candidate John Kerry for helping to democrats.
Vote for Democratic President Candidate John Kerry to create realistic opportunity to advance democratic idea is to defend human rights, and encourage the development of civil society
Vote for Democratic President Candidate John Kerry for independent media, the rule of law, and a wide range of civil society initiatives.
For a solid foundation practice of democratic development worldwide:
The dictionary defines democracy as "government by the people in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." With the Gettysburg address, Abraham Lincoln gave us a more eloquent definition, government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."
A functional democracy is governed by the majority while protecting the rights of minorities. To achieve this balance, a democracy relies on a competition of ideas, which, in turn, requires freedom of speech and the ability to criticize those in power without fear of retribution. In an effective representative democracy power must also be distributed to several points of authority to enable checks and balances and reconcile competing interests.
For a new initiative The World Movement for Democracy Democrats can do only.
To strengthen democratic institutions around the world.
To establish a global network of democrats including activists, practitioners, academics, policy makers, and funders, who will come together to cooperate in the promotion of democracy.
Seeks to strengthen democracy where it is weak, to reform and invigorate democracy even where it is longstanding, and to bolster pro-democracy groups in countries that have not yet entered into a process of democratic transition.
To engage in the advancement of democracy worldwide .
For the Development of Human Rights..
Pls support Kerry to advance human survival and progress.
To promote domestic compliance with international human rights standards at par the U.N. Commission on Human Rights.
To promote reconciliation, entrenching human rights culture, and preventing violence
To Support for rule of law which one of the most fundamental principles on which America was founded.
to restore America's longstanding, bipartisan commitment to supporting the spread of democracy, with the understanding that America will be safer in a world of democracies.
To work with those who share American values, That will isolate American enemies rather than ourselves. And under John Kerry, America will again practice at home what it preaches abroad, respecting the rule of law and the fundamental rights of all citizens.
Restore America's ability and commitment to act as a credible force for democracy and human rights, starting in Iraq.
To enforce Democrats believe that Forty years ago, with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the nation took a great step toward realizing its founding ideal: that all of us should have the opportunity to realize all of our God-given potential.
Rigorously Enforce Our Civil Rights Laws.
Make Immigration More Fair And More Secure
Offer an Immigration Reform Bill Within First 100 Days
In their first hundred days, John Kerry and John Edwards will offer a comprehensive immigration reform bill with four basic components. And they will work tirelessly until their reform becomes law.
To protect American security from weapons of terror
For SUPPORTING FREEDOM AROUND THE WORLD as freedom is a universal human aspiration..
To stop violence and religious extremism..
To create a community of democrats, drawn from the most developed democracies and the most repressive autocracies as well as everything in between, and united by the belief that the common interest is served by the gradual expansion of systems based on freedom, self government, and the rule of law.
To respect for the inalienable rights of individuals and minorities, free communications media, and the rule of law.
For Good Governance
to promote World Peace as a viable possibility by Democratic Government.
For promoting human progress and survival by correcting the worldwide condition of political mismanagement and downsizing the excessive military institutions.
Democratic Party has got commitment to the promotion and protection of fundamental human rights; more specifically, to develop programmes that emphasise the indivisibility of civil, political, economic and social rights;
Integrate human rights standards
To identify the most pressing national and regional human rights issues as the human rights agenda is changing in response to the changing global environment
Offer Freedom of Expression
Steps against Trafficking of Women and Children world-wide
Tackling the Unconstitutional Overthrow of Democracies -
They have principles of the liberty of the individual; the equal rights of citizens regardless of gender, race, colour, creed or political belief
The specific mandates to protect the environment , to promoting economic growth and sustainable development, including eradication of poverty, meeting basic needs, and enhancing the quality of life".
The last not least: is not after 9/11 most of Bangladeshi-Americans lost their jobs, stopped their business and living an inhuman life , no proper food, health insurance and also afraid of immigration tough procedures. We hope if Democratic Presidential Candidate comes to power, Bangladeshi nationals will be highly benefited and can live peacefully and can send their valuable foreign exchange to Bangladesh in larger volume which will be a very thirst to Foreign Exchange Earnings in Bangladesh to build our big F.E Reserve.
Vote for John Kerry:
For Democracy not for Fascism
To redefine foreign policy to protect militaristic imperialism to contribute only defense industry
To create new employment not to destroying present employment opportunity
Not to make America as a for police state
John Kerry's sane military, economic, and civil liberties policies benefiting all Americans.
To awaken American voters to the realization that Kerry will not do anything to devastate American's way of life.
To stop going from the biggest surplus ever to the biggest deficit ever
Americans Find that Kerry More Likeable and Believable than other candidates.
John Kerry has the personal integrity and strength to defeat other candidates soundly in the upcoming election
Most of the Americans believe that John Kerry run the economy more wisely and John Kerry is more likely to make sound decisions about war and peace.
Voters rate Kerry more in the political mainstream than others and feel that Kerry is more in touch with the problems of ordinary people, shares people's values, and has a likable personality
Most of the Voters believe that John Kerry will not mishandle the economy and fiscal matters,
Previously Democratic administrations have brought significant benefits to working people in America. John Kerry has always fought for the interests of working people.
He has personal integrity and strength
Kerry wants to raise the minimum wage along with the Earned Income Tax Credit, so that non-welfare working- class families receive tax deductions.
Senator Kerry's record on the environment is second to none and demonstrates unquestionably that he is a candidate for all Americans
All Americans should consider themselves as most fortunate to have John Kerry as a Democratic candidate for the presidency because he represents the best in American political life.
All thinking Americans must endorse Senator John Kerry for president because he is the only person who has the experience, drive, and intelligence to beat other candidates in 2004.
Democrats believe that they should assert, not abandon their leadership in addressing global economic degradation and the warming of the atmosphere they share with the other 90% of humanity.
Kerry past fights against financial corruption-BCCI Bank issue.
John Kerry is determined that he will never leave any American behind.
There is, as evidence, his nineteen-year Senate record, during which he has voted consistently in favor of abortion rights and environmental policies, opposed tax cuts for the wealthy, led the effort against drilling in the Alaskan wilderness, pushed for higher fuel economy standards, advocated boosting the minimum wage and pressed for global warming remedies. He displayed guts and took tough actions that few colleagues would imitate.
One rap on Kerry is that he is overly cautious and conventional. He's no firebrand on the stump, nor does he come across as the most passionate and exciting force for change. But his history in Washington includes episodes in which he demonstrated a willingness to confront hard issues, to challenge power, to pursue values rather than political advantage, to take risks for the public interest.