The first article is chock full of devastating details on her. I was looking for a long ago link suggesting something between her and MURDOCH that led to her sugar daddy type rise. The last link is to our own Gloria, describing REGAN's attack on CLINTON's background. This contrasts to what I saw of her lapping up KERIK's background.
*******QUOTE******* /
.... Then Judith and Rupert found each other -- and ReganBooks was born. Not only did their commercial instincts mesh, but Judy's what's-the-world-ever-done-for-me politics were highly compatible with the Murdoch view.
And then the sex part. It's a one-woman show.
I have never heard anyone talk about sex the way Judy does. I have never heard anyone talk about their sexual partners the way Judy does. I have near heard anyone analyze individual motivations, the workings of the marketplace, and politics, too, in such precisely sexual terms. The other day, on her show, she kept interrupting her tempered guests on the subject of
why women like Bill Clinton, and, voice rising, saying: "
They want to have sex with him -- that's why they like him!"
Early in her career at Simon & Schuster, she published a book called The Rogue Warrior and
fought tooth and nail
for a full-face cover photo of the author. "
Don't they understand?" she stormed to me. "Women will buy this because they want to fuck him!" She got the full face and a best-seller. 1953
Birthplace: Massachusetts?
Growing up on Long Island, Regan earned a BA in English from Vassar College. In the late 1970s, she studied voice and worked as a secretary before becoming a reporter for the National Enquirer. In 1987 Regan proposed a book on American families and their role models to Simon & Schuster. The editors were impressed, and she joined Simon & Schuster, developing a string of best-selling celebrity “tell-all” books, including those by talk show host Rush Limbaugh and radio personality Howard Stern. Her aggressive, sales-oriented approach was highly successful, but critics charged she was undermining publishing by manufacturing personality-driven books. In 1994 Rupert
Murdoch gave Regan her own imprint at HarperCollins, ReganBooks, and a TV show on Fox News. A Manhattan resident, Regan is divorced and has two children. Howard Stern's 'Private Parts' and 'Miss America,' 'Monica Lewinsky's Untold Story: An Amorality Tale,' 'Quivers a Life' and Rush Limbaugh's 'See I Told You So' and 'The Way it Ought to Be'
Hosts Fox News interview show
Why she might be annoying:
Her son was born out of wedlock and she never married the father.
She divorced Robert Kleinschmidt, the father of her daughter, in a very angry divorce. The divorce battle went for over five years and went through dozens of lawyers and many judges, costing more than a million dollars.
When she published rival Rush Limbaugh's book, Howard Stern called her 'Judas Limbaugh.'
She wrote for the National Enquirer for three years.
Why she might not be annoying:
She looks like Isabella Rossellini.
She graduated Vassar College on a scholarship.
She has edited books from the left and right political viewpoint with out censoring ideas.
She ranked #94 in Entertainment Week Power List of 1993. looked straight into the camera and for almost 10 minutes, delivered a pseudo stream-of-consciousness poetry riff mocking Clinton. Referring to his sad boyhood, she mocked his loneliness, then proclaimed that he built himself up and called himself KING, because "I am rich and I can do what I want!" She likened him to the cast out Socks, and envisioned him an old man meeting up with Socks at 125th street, both holding tin cups. ....
It was incredibly vicious. What was especially appalling was how she took the most painful aspects of Bill's background--his truly grievous childhood--and twisted them, using them to mock him. If this wasn't the "politics of personal destruction" I don't know how else you could describe this horrific display. ....