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Co-publishing at Narconews.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (Through 2005) Donate to DU
eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 04:23 AM
Original message
Co-publishing at Narconews.
And, of course, the fall and the rise again of Narco News, a resurrection that largely took place over at the Big, Left, Outside blog…

Well, all that energy now is going back to Narco News, the international online newspaper reporting on the drug war and democracy from Latin America… From the only region on earth that is moving toward authentic democracy instead of away from it… The region with the huevos to stand up to the dictates of Washington and Wall Street… and with the intelligence to begin to craft its own, more democratic, drug policies…

There are now 202 copublishers on Narco News… Slot 203 is reserved for you.

What is a "copublisher"? It is, simply put, any journalist who has written for us, and any reader who has donated labor or money to our work… A donation of any size to The Fund for Authentic Journalism qualifies you for a copublisher account.

What is a copublisher account? It's your own ticket to have your own blog on The Narcosphere… to see your blog entries - if they are original and on our beat of the drug war and democracy in our América - placed in the "center column" and then immediately linked by Google News and others... and for you to be able to comment, immediately, without waiting for prior approval (like you waited, sometimes patiently, for on Big, Left, Outside) on any and all Narco News stories, Narcosphere blog entires, and the commentaries of other copublishers... And for other copublishers to "rate" your comments and the highly rated comments get linked from page one of Narco News...

The Narcosphere has now achieved traction... It is democracy in action against a banal sea of undemocratic (and boring!) media... No other newspaper in our languages of English, Spanish and Portuguese offers this much participation and editorial freedom to the readers...

There are some guidelines that have worked to keep the quality of the work on The Narcosphere unusually high for the Internet... Copublishers all use our real names (no more Internet culture of anonymity and the cowardice and flame wars it fosters on "open publishing" sites or blogs)... Unlike Big, Left, Outside, we don't endorse or campaign for electoral candidates or political parties... We don't "republish" work that has already been published somewhere else, preferring, instead, to give credit and a link to those who did the work... And no financial transactions or appeals not related to the work of The Fund for Authentic Journalism... Other than that, free speech through the free press shines throughout The Narcosphere... Check it out:

And check out the high quality of original, investigative journalism on Narco News, the first Internet publication to win, from the New York Supreme Court, the same First Amendment protections under U.S. law as those enjoyed by the New York Times...

Why do readers have to donate labor or money to become a copublisher? It's simple: People who invest in a project care about the project, and about continuing to work for the common good with all the other participants. We're a diverse bunch, from different lands and cultures, often speaking different languages, but when we put your truth together with my truth and that of so many others, we so often make a bigger and more powerful truth.

It's an easy two-step process to get your copublisher account...

First, you make a donation, according to your abilities, to The Fund for Authentic Journalism. You can make it online at:

Or via snail mail, making your check out to "The Fund for Authentic Journalism" and sending it to:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism P.O. Box 71051 Madison Heights, MI 48071 Once you've done that (or if you've done it already), sign up for your copublisher account via this link:

If you have any technical problems, or your copublisher account and password don't arrive immediately in your email box, contact our managing editor, Dan Feder, at

Big, Left, Outside is going to sleep for a while... Probably a long while... But Narco News is the giant that is roaring to wake into a new day in our América... and The Narcopshere group blog reserves a space for you to be part of the action.

That's my pitch.

Play ball!

From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
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jamboi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 04:42 AM
Response to Original message
1. I like your publication. The only thing I didn't care for is the name.
Narco News -- I guess that gives you a strong focal point, but it sounds so negative to me. Nevertheless it looks good and I'm sure I'll come check it out from time to time.
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 07:40 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Not mine--Al Giordano's
BTW, I don't like the name either--I can't check into it at lunch hour because my computer at work blocks it on account of the name.
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