Yes, here we sit, out of power, marginalized, licking our political wounds. The quadrennial circular firing squad is all loaded up and is already firing a few shots.
We're too moderate
We're too liberal
Move right
Move left
But wait ......... this is really a golden opportunity. The fact is, we have no leader. No one person who represents all of us. I am not talking about potential candidates for '08. I'm talking about a leader. We have no one face who can be seen as *us*.
Bill Clinton? At best he is now relegated to elder statesman. Admired by many, to be sure, but marginalized none the less. He didn't deliver this past cycle, though he did energize and inspire many.
Dean? A real possibility, but he still has some factions in the party he needs to convince.
Al Gore .... ?
Who else? Harry Reid? ::::snort::::
The golden opportunity now is for one person to emerge as the de facto leader of our side. Who might that be?
Do we recruit that person? Will that person simply rise to the top?
There *will* be a leader, to be sure. But who?
I wonder what some of you think. Not who you **want** as a leader, but who you *think* will actually become our leader.