I am disgusted with your show and with NPR in general. Why oh why has there been no coverage of the election fraud that occurred in 2004 in the US Presidential elections? I'm not going to do your work for you, you lazy toads... check out the internet... Its been THE buzz since Nov 2, but Keith Oberman is the only one who has even mentioned it. Two kinds of fraud occurred: 1) Actual Fraud by election officials and "contractors": The votes were not counted properly in servera; key states. A fraud audit is being conducted now in Florida. Evidence of fraud is emerging in New Mexico. It is becoming increasingly clear that the Ohio election was stolen. The central tabulator program was likely hacked and the totals will not match the punch cards. Luckily we raised the money and now The Green party is getting a recount in cooperation with many others. There is an incredible amount of activity in Ohio and I haven't heard one peep about it on NPR! Shame on you! Take a lesson from the Ukrainian media and stop collaborating with the anti-democratic rogue regime (that's Bush). 2)Media fraud and bias: How outragious it is for you to criticize or praise the Ukrainian media when our US media is guilty of far worse offenses! CNN, Fox, MSNBC, Sinclair, Swift Boat Veterans for the "Truth" are all wholey owned subsidiaries of the neo-con cabal that has consistently lied to the American people about everything from John Kerry's Viet Nam record to the "Clear Skies Initiative" to the latest lie, that Social Security is in "trouble". What about the fact that CNN was a cheerleader for the Iraq war! What about the fact that noone questioned the justifications for the war, but were only complicit in this fraud? What about the recent report that they have been Pentagon plants at CNN and basically always report the White House point of view as a part of "Psy Ops"!?? Four huge corporations control our media and NPR are no better. Why haven't you pointed out that the media ignored the protests before the Iraq War on 2/15 just like the Ukrainian media tried to ignor the democracy protests? Why are you so afraid? Why do you give more time to neocon liars and bar shows like Democracy Now! Why isn't National "Public" Radio serving the public by constantly serving as a bullwork against the US media Oligarchs!? The US isn't a democracy and hasn't been one since the first Presidential election was stolen in 2000! Now its stolen again, and we on the internet have to raise the money and basically rely on The Greens and Ralph Nader to contest the election?! America is doomed because you have failed to bring to the fore the most important story of the century: The US elections were rigged, are rigged, and will continue to be rigged until brave journalists reveal the truth. I am so envious of the brave Ukrainian people and ashamed of my own country, the USA. NPR has completely abandoned the basic principles of this country and democracy and has become just another instrument of propaganda to make liberals think they actually live in a democracy. Shame on you!