Are you so very convinced that hordes of fundamentalist Christians are coming out of the woodwork to alter the basic fabric of these United States? Are they like seven year locust to appear suddenly , devour our freedoms and then disappear until the next time?
I remember vividly the HUAC hearings, though I was quite small at the time, and I also remember the Army/McCarthy hearings where Senator Joe got his just deserts. One overly ambitious and corrupt Senator did indeed cause much in the way of hardship for many who were blacklisted, and I recall that Reagan, in his role as President of the Screen Actors Guild, lied his ass off, named names and betrayed his friends....I guess we have short memories to trust this guy with California and then the whole damn country.
But , just as those horrific witch hunts in the fifties, this current brouhaha about religious fervor has a political solution.I am beginning to believe, considering the ad nauseum threads about these (mostly mythic) hordes of Christian reformers, that this is a smokescreen serving to distract us from our real path. We have seen the Democratic Party lose election after election, lose the WH against an intellectually challenged little dwarf when Gore should have ripped him a new a*****e by speaking eloquently and truthfully.
Again in this last debacle, after four horrid years, both domestically and abroad, with a nation suffering unemployment, our infrastructure badly in need of repair, soaring gas prices, our schools doing horrid jobs with almost no tools and too few teachers, with Bush's lies fresh in all our minds the Dem's lose again! Not only do they lose the WH but they lose even more seats in both houses of congress. Why I wonder are people not asking important questions about Democratic leadership, strategies and methodologies?
Oh no, lets blame the fundamentalist bogeymen under the bed.....PUHLEEZE!
Meanwhile the Repugs have their act together , you betcha!
George W. Bush's Republican allies in Ohio have taken more than a month to certify the results in the state that decided the U.S. presidential election.
Next, they plan to hold off on any recount until after the Electoral College formalizes Bush's election to a second term, making any discoveries of discarded votes or systematic fraud largely an academic exercise.
To read the full story about the echoes of Election 2000 now being heard in Election 2004, go to at .