It is a fantasy to think we will ever make any progress in needed areas by simply standing in the middle and attempting to appeal to those on the fence. They are on the fence for a reason. They are indecisive.
It is a fantasy to think we should support the war on terror or the war in Iraq, otherwise we will be seen as weak on defense. And that will cause us to lose votes and political power if we oppose such an ill-advised and destructive policy. The reality is that we promote the lies and fantasies of the other side by not standing up to them and opposing them at every turn.
It is a fantasy to think we will ever be able to do anything once we regain power, if we ever regain the power, by not standing for something in opposition to the present regime. We need to speak up loudly against these fantasy proposals of Bush and the radical right. We need to speak up against the proposed Social Security reform. We need to tell the truth about it. We need to speak out against this religious-type crusade that Bush has launched in Iraq. We need to speak out against his illegal invasion. We need to speak out against the way he is breaking our country with his huge deficits and pork-barrel spending. Where is the reality?