Found this in one of the Clark newsgroups I read.....
Tactic: Use Google News to Promote 'Unreported' Newsstories
By Tom Ball
Many progressive sites spend precious energy lamenting the avoidance
of various important news stories by the mainstream media -- something
over which we have traditionally had little control.
The invention of the internet, and subsequently the blog, has given us
a significant lift in ensuring that such stories gain some exposure.
Unknown to many, however, is an additional tool in our arsenal --
Google News.
Google News, a news aggregator that boasts millions of reads per day,
works strictly by computer algorithm -- choosing its main headlines
and prioritizing news stories based on how the rest of the net links
to them.
We can make this work to our advantage.
Take, for example, the case of 'Bush's Arrest by Canadian Authorities'
a satire by lefty website, Axis of Logic. The story made it to the top
of the heap at Google News as Bush was busily invading our neighbors
to the north.
As always, the prime ingredient in ensuring that specific stories
attain such a level of exposure is 'coordinated intervention'. The
Progressive web must band together and agree to target specific
stories on a daily basis. This could be established via a centralized
progressive organization that lists the 'stories of the day'...or
hour...or whatever. Member sites, which could number in the thousands,
would then link to that story using specific key words.
The greatest hurdle, as usual, is the challenge presented by
organizing such an effort, and convincing the notoriously independent
lefties to swallow their indy-pride for a moment and instead work for
the greater practical good of the overall progressive ideology.
Unfortunately, since we at already have multiple
projects in the works, we are unable to put together such an effort at
this time.
Take the ball and run.