I just found out the names of the people who are going to "revive" the Dem party in my county. My first reaction was, nothing is going to change so I'll have to sit out yet another election term.
The Dems must do something about cleaning house. You have people in your party who are known to the locals as people with very bad reputations, even amongst your own. They've mixed business and politics and they did it in a loud and messy good ole boy manner. In a nutshell, they're damaged goods.
Here's the problem as I see it:
The old guard in my area is too mixed up in business organizations that they're really a third party. This is not my original idea. Doug Head, who was in charge of the Dem party in Orlando told me this many years ago. There are three parties in Central Florida, and I suspect it's like that all over: The Republicans, the Democrats and the Chamber of Commerce. The third party can be any organization where people meet to do business networking. What is happening is that you're attracting very ambitious people who think that political positions are used to advance business opportunities. Decisions are made on the golf course and are rubber stamped in city commission meetings. In other words, Republican and Democrats are making private compromises to advance business decisions, but not necessarily good for the public.
In my personal case, the person whose name popped up as a member to your Dem party is just as bad, if not worse than the Republicans in the area. The welfare of my family and my faith in the system has been hurt by decisions he has made in the past when he was in office. This is the kind of thing that is hurting the Dem party. We can talk all we like up here in the net stratosphere. I'll dish out ideas and opinions as long as you all let me; but in the end, if it's important for you to have someone like me come out of my tower, it's important that you recognize the failings of those in your group who have faced an ethical Rubicon, and failed; and what's more, will continue failing because of their lack of integrity.