Listed as right wing by PNAC watchers little look at their
Board of Trustees (for those who care) reveals a mass of CEOs and other impressive business figures, sprinkled with reps from academia, and also including
former and current heads of the World Bank.
They banged the drums loudly on fighting the "war against terrorism" and worked closely with other think tanks advocating more military-industrial fleecing of America.
I used to have a ton of stuff on them. Bad news trojan horse.
About the Brookings Institution
The Brookings Institution, whose predecessor was founded in 1918 by
Robert Brookings, was probably the first public policy institute in the USA. Currently a right-wing, neoliberal (, anti-regulation organisation, it has politically veered between the centre and right during its lifetime.
Initially centrist, the Institution took its first step rightwards during the depression, in response to the New Deal. In the 1960s, it was linked to the conservative wing of the Democratic Party, backing Keysian economics. From the mid-70s it cemented a close relationship with the Republican party. Since the 1990s it has taken steps further towards the right in parallel with the increasing influence of right-wing think tanks such as the
Heritage Foundation.