I don't believe that will ever happen. Can you really be aware about what's happening today and really foresee a time when this country will actually treat one another has equals? I don't. I've come through enough history to know. I've seen the idealistic, opened minded kids of the 60s grow up to be their parents. And now their children are as jaded and racists as they are too.
Also, though I agree the long-term solution is to fix the education problems at the lower echelons, I don't see that happening under the present climate. It's not just education. We already have good teachers. What we need is better after-school programs so that kids can have positive social & learning experiences. More intramural programs at the middle school level; more club activities.
As it stands, there are kids that have parents that work two jobs, and they themselves have to go help out which makes them too tired to do homework. Where is the long term solution for the poor? I don't think there will be one in our lifetime.
However, I will give you this. Things will get interesting the day that our Senate and legislature truly is representative of the people's will and it is as diverse in color as the U.S. population. When that day comes, and minorities not only share in power, but may indeed be found to play the same cronyistic games at the expense of other ethnic groups, well, perhaps that will be the day that AA will have served its purpose. Unless, of course, white are in the minority at the time. If that's the case, I'm sure they'll put AA into the consitution right before they get overwhelmed by the numbers.