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Indymedia report on san diego rally (PHOTOS)

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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 12:05 AM
Original message
Indymedia report on san diego rally (PHOTOS)

jonathan | 05.12.2004 18:19

Despite the rain this afternoon, several San Diegans turned out to protest for voters' rights. Locally citizens are calling for a complete count of the votes cast in the Mayoral Election. At a national level these activists are hopeful that a recount in Ohio and New Mexico will be occur unfettered by Republican obstructionists a la Florida 2000. Several of the protests signs added a international perspective by referring to the voter activism expressed in the Ukraine. If you missed today's rally there are more events scheduled on December 9th and 13th.

(Go to the link for the photos)

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sft Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 12:44 AM
Response to Original message
1. "Indymedia report on san diego rally (PHOTOS)"
The Indymedia article was unclear -- what exactly happened in San Diego? Was it a close race or likely fraud?
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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 12:57 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Donna Frye won the election but
due to many legal shennanigans theya re not counting ballots with no bubble filled up but with the name by the side... remember that INTENT of the voter back in 2000?

Yes I do, amd I am sure you do too.

She needs money to keep the fight going, but most importantly...

this was also about OH, and our buddy and pall Blackwell and all the questions on it.

Oh and one thing they were not unclear about... we were COLD... it was COLD for SD... and one of the speakers was the Special Rep for Congressman Bob Filner... he is with us.
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knight_of_the_star Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:47 AM
Response to Reply #2
6. yeah, that's it
I've been hearing about it, I'll probably get in touch to go demonstrate since there is little else I can do at this point.
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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:52 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Can yuo spare a dime?
Donna needs some cash to keep fighting...

Just make sure that you do more than a buck, service fees and all...


And yes please do join us in the streets, and orange will go with your compleccion... (THINK KIEV)

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Nikki Stone 1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:18 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. The SD mayoral election results are in court
Edited on Mon Dec-06-04 01:20 AM by Nikki Stone 1
Dick Murphy (the incumbent Republican) ran against Ron Roberts (Republican, 3rd time candidate for mayor) in the general election. SD is very conservative, but many were unhappy with the incumbent and Murphy was reluctant to run again at first. However, Ron Roberts is scary prospect for many--not quite sure why, except that he is a general scumbag. So Murphy ran, but the recent financial scandals in SD weakened his candidacy.

In the last month or so of the race, Donna Frye, Democrat member of city council and wife of a very famous surfer, started a write-in candidacy. She got an amazing amount of support and, totally against all expectations, she either won the election or came in 2nd, depending on how the votes are counted. The California ballot had a place for a write in candidate in the SD mayoral race, but voters had to both write in Donna Frye's name (spelling it correctly) on a blank line and fill in the oval next to the line. Some voters did the first but not the second, creating a problem for vote counters. State law demands that the oval be filled in, but the League of Women Voters is arguing that the voter intent is clear for those voters who wrote in Frye's name, even if they didn't fill in the oval as well. (Ie, the oval is redundant).

The demonstration today probably concerned these votes which are clearly Frye's but which can be considered "spoiled" because of an unfilled oval. The demonstrators, who have been out a number of times since the election, feel that these Frye voters will be disenfranchised on a clerical technicality.

If Frye doesn't get those votes, the winner will be Dick Murphy, but this may not solve the problem. Ron Roberts is pissed as hell and feels he was done out of a victory. He is in court trying to get Frye's candidacy thrown out completely and invalidate the election itself. He wants a runoff between himself and Murphy, figuring he'll win it. Of course, he has lost 3 times before, so who knows.

As to the legality of Frye's candidacy: Frye and her people checked on the legality before she entered the race. CA state law does allow for write-ins. (Of course, no one expects them to win!) However, the SD City Charter may actually contradict state law since it seems to require that candidates in a general election be those who won in the primary election.

So, in essence, the San Diego mayoral race is a mess and a half.
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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:42 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. Just one correction
The demonstration today demanded tht the votes be counted, in the country. It does not matter whether this is Donna Frye... COUNT THE VOTE, or in OH, COUNT THE VOTE.

I was there, my shoes are still wet.

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newyawker99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:29 PM
Response to Reply #1
9. Hi sft!!
Welcome to DU!! :toast:
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burn the bush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:27 AM
Response to Original message
4. Media Falls Asleep in USA, Wakes Up in KIEV ! I love that sign.
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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 03:05 AM
Response to Original message
8. Indy Media rocks!
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