:crazy: You ARE Joking right? Because if not, You're Totally wrong! Everyone is getting out of the Dollar, now that Bush has STOLEN another election.
A bit of history here: The U.S. Dollar has been falling, almost the entire time Bush has occupied the White House. On October 26, 2000 the Euro hit it's lowest value v. the US Dollar, it recovered a little when it looked like Al Gore might have enough to beat Bush November 7, 2000, then fell again when the world was sure Supreme Court was going to hand the election to Bush. From December 2000 onward, (with a few small rallies as an exception) The Dollar has been on a steady DOWNWARD trend.
Since George W. Bush TOOK office, the US Dollar has LOST (drum roll, please)............71% of it's value against the Euro!!!!!!!!!! Yes that's right, as of today's opening numbers, the US Dollar has lost 71% of it's value. :wow: The current sell-off started as soon as the WORLD was sure that Bush had stolen his second election.
If you don't believe me, go to BBC News Online and search (within BBC site) the words: Euro new low,or: strong Dollar or you can just start at this page: <
Another "fun fact" is that Crude oil and Gasoline prices started a slow and steady rise on, yep, you guested it November 7, 2000 (but the low was October 26, 2000). AVERAGE Price of Gasoline in America, $1.55 per Gallon. You can check those numbers at: <
http://archives.cnn.com/2000/US/11/06/gas.prices/index.html> or search for "Lundberg Survey" on any major U.S. News website.
Ever wonder why OPEC was cutting production when Oil was in the $40-$50 per barrel range? It's because the Dollar is so WEAK! As the Dollar gets less and less valuable, OPEC needs to get More and More Dollars per barrel to stay even in their Home currencies. Oil was around $30 per barrel, when Bush was "elected" in 2000.
Until we cut the our 7,500,000,000,000.00 DEBT or at least get it headed in a downward direction, Oil will not go below $42 to $44 per barrel. Yes, "OPEC prices oil in dollars," (or Dollars, if you want to show some respect), but "when the Chinese or French or Brazillians want to buy oil," they DON'T "first have to convert their local currency to dollars," The French and the Brazilians just buy 20 or 30 Million Barrels in their local currency, and then when they find out how much more oil they are getting this week, as opposed to last, they say WHOOOOOHOOOO! :bounce:World oil is "Priced" in U.S. Dollars, not "Sold" in U.S. Dollars, their is a difference. The Chinese just look at the mountains of U.S. Cash they are collecting and say, "we need to spend this cash, before it loses more value."
See, these are the things the U.S. Government and the National News don't want you to know, or everyone in this country would start panicking. Why is Gold going up? Because the Dollar is going down. That's just how it works. You can see all the commodities markets (including the Dollar) at BBC News On-line at: <
but, don't look at the Month or intra-day chart, check out the 12-month chart, if you want to know what's going on.
One last Note Re: BBC Online's Dollar graph, you might notice that at the bottom of the graph is an asterisk that says "*Inverted graph." Why would they do that? :shrug:Because the Dollar has been doing so badly over the last few months, they inverted the chart so as to not cause a panic! If you want to see the real chart, you have to copy it to your computer, and then FLIP it to see the plunging line.
:nuke:The party's OVER folks, WE'RE DOOMED! If you still don't believe me, check out what the Stephen Roach, the Chief Economist at investment/banking giant Morgan Stanley said November 23, 2004 at: <
On that note, sleep well folks.