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Reuters pissed at military for abuse of 3 news staffers (torture)

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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:33 PM
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Reuters pissed at military for abuse of 3 news staffers (torture)

Reuters Still Seeking Answers on Alleged Abuse of 3 Staffers

NEW YORK Andrew Marshall, Reuters' chief correspondent in Iraq, is seeking justice for three of his Iraqi news staffers and an NBC cameraman who claim they were severely abused earlier this year at a United States Army base outside of Fallujah.


The Reuters staffers and an

NBC newsman who was with them were arrested last Jan. 2 by soldiers in the 82nd Airborne Division as they were filming the aftermath of the downing of an American helicopter. The Iraqi staffers say they were handcuffed as one in a press jacket shouted, "Reuters, Reuters, journalist, journalist," in English and were then carted off to the Forward Operating Base Volturno Army camp in a Humvee. (Two of them had active press credentials and a third, whose card had expired, had one waiting for him when he returned to Baghdad.)

The men claim that at Volturno, they were subjected to three days of mental and physical abuse. This included beatings, sexual humiliation, and sleep deprivation.


Later, he continued, "I cried. I never cried before. Even when my father died, when Saddam killed my brother, I never cried. In this situation, with the Americans, I cried."

Marshall, after learning that the men had been arrested, sent an e-mail to the Army stating that three of them were Reuters staffers and asked when they might be released. They were set free 60 hours later.

the world is watching................gathering evidence..............

justice is in the wings
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cybildisobedience Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:49 PM
Response to Original message
1. okay -
so why aren't Reuters and NBC screaming about this, instead of licking Bush's boots?
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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:59 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. cowards? pro-smirk?
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OneBlueSky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 02:42 PM
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3. just more evidence that American troops consider all . . .
brown-skinned people as somehow less than fully human and therefore worthy of whatever degradation can be inflicted upon them . . . how we got to this state of affairs I don't know, but it's disgusting . . . I can't imagine average Iraqis feeling anything but sheer hatred and utter contempt for their American occupiers/torturers/murderers . . .
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