Guerilla marketing uses unconventional means of distributing a message.
Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence. Viral marketing often comes about because of "buzz".
Before the election I was using guerilla marketing in my GOTV street canvassing. Some DUers did join me but it was not nearly enough to create media buzz. People of course were phone banking, canvassing and writing LTTES, all of which were very important before the election. Now that we have time on our hands and an army of hopefully willing participants, IMHO a brilliant way to take the next step and get the word out to those who do not frequent lefty web sites is:
What we can do right now is use poor man's advertising and free delivery systems, ie. DUers to spread the immediate message, that the election was fraudulent.
Right NOW we at DU CAN just like the mean girls in highschool start a whisper campaign against the chimp's reputation. How you ask? By using guerilla and viral marketing techniques. Do this:
download the file below and go to Kinkos and make copies.
BUSH CHEATED is color but can be printed and
photocopied B&W to save $$$. They print 2 to a sheet, so you will have to cut them.
download this and other files here: /
Use the BUSH CHEATED to flyer cars or even BETTER...
Buy a can of 3M Super 77 spray adhesive from staples and glue the BUSH CHEATED graphic to metal utility poles, bus stop shelters, advertising benchs, newspaper racks etc. let your inner anarchist express itself. If enough people do this then the masses will become aware AND just like highschool Bush's reputation will be ruined.
This is something we can do RIGHT NOW. No dreaming just ACTION. I've started. I challenge everyone on DU to commit to disseminating at least 10 per day.
I had hoped to plaster Columbus at the rally Dec. 4 with both BUSH CHEATED & Blackwell RECUSE, but the wind was so bad it would have been impossible. I did however do some bus stop shelters and utility poles near campus in Cincinnati Friday and none of my handiwork has been peeled off.
see also: