BTW, The Toronto Sun is a right wing publication whose editorial position in general seems to be that Canada should be a willing accomplice to any Bush administration mis-adventures overseas in order to cement our position as a firm and reliable ally. The general idea seems to be that as well as just being the right thing to do, if we always say, "How high?" when the presidential numbnuts of limited intelligence next door says, "JUMP!" our reputation as a compliant client state will earn us browny points when it comes to resolving trade disuptes etc.
Andy Donato's cartoon suggesting Canadians who waved at President Bush were really offering only a "bouquet" of the one-finger salute (Dec. 2) was absolutely tasteless and indicates Canadians want to perpetuate the hostility between the two nations. If this is the response to President Bush's friendly visit to our neighbours to the north, then I want nothing to do with such boorish, rude, self-aggrandizing, socialistic, free-loading twits. We love our president and he represents regular American people by a large margin. We reached out in kindness, but were met with insults. Fine, let's just lock up the border. You stay on your side, and we will be content to stay on ours. Thanks for nothing!Yeah, we Canuckistanians can tell just how much the Americans love their Pretzeldent when we see the lengths that they went to in order to fix the elections to ensure another Bush "win."
(fourth letter down from the top)
Here's the offending cartoon that caused our freeper friend so much distress.