Some of you may remember Karl W. B. Schwarz, the CEO of Patmos Industries, disgruntled Christian Republican who has been speaking and writing vehemently about 9/11 conspiracy, Sibel Edmonds revelations and silencing, and shady oil deals in Argentina (Venezuela? sorry!). Received this e-mail from him today--since it is copied to a long long list of media I feel no qualms about reproducing it in its entirety here:
Most of you have probably heard how shrill even the 9-11 Commissioners are in trying to twist arms on Capitol Hill to get Patriot Act rammed through without any significant debate or public comment.
There are several reasons for that, including this: And much more that is coming from myself and other quarters.
I am on today from 4-6pm CST and several matters are going to be discussed including a synopsis of what was delivered to Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of New York.
Tune in, will learn much.