Let me tell you a story about a couple, lets call them Jack and Jill.
Jack is a 33 year old Ivy League educated engineer, who had worked for Sun Microsystems for nine years before being laid off.
Jill is a 34 year old college educated, ex-military, navigational radar and instrumentation specialist. She was laid off from a company that supported navigational aides used in commercial aviation just about a year ago. To make a long job description short, she makes sure you flight to New York doesn’t end up in Peru.
They have a five year old daughter, and they bought a house in the year 2000.
Neither, despite years of experience in their respective fields have been able to get work in their fields. Jack works in the videogame department at Circuit City. Jill works as a bartender at a hotel. Both make just above minimum wage. They can only work part time because one has to stay home at any given time with their child. The hotel has threatened to fire Jill twice if she doesn’t take more shifts. They can’t afford a baby sitter for what they earn.
They can only afford to keep up mortgage payments through the end of March, with no real jobs on the horizon they face the prospect of losing their home.
There is only one real option open to them, the military has offered Jill a substantial bonus if she re-enlists, and the military just magically seemed to know she was out of work.
Given her experience, it is almost a dead certainty that she would be sent to work on the installation of modern radar and navigational aides at airfields in Iraq. That means their daughter will be without her mother for extended periods of time, if not permanently. But if she doesn’t they almost certainly lose their house, and that would set them back more than a decade.
How is that for an American Dream?
I should also point out, they are stone cold democrats.