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Is the NEWSWEEK Poll a "sign' of things to come?

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Coltrane Donating Member (261 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 02:49 PM
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Is the NEWSWEEK Poll a "sign' of things to come?
From to see video'references, and full post.
In a new web poll just taken, Newsweek proclaims "Most Americans believe the virgin birth is literally true. The poll went on to say that Seventy-nine percent of Americans believe that, as the Bible says, Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, without a human father...,
On Chris Matthews he said that "four out of five people believe in the Virgin birth; it's a powerful fact about American life."

Princeton Survey Research Associates interviewed by telephone 1,009 adults, aged 18 and older on Dec. 2 and Dec. 3. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points. Their lead in is that " Most American's believe the virgin birth is literally true." So Newsweek wants us to believe that all of America is represented by 1009 people? Already the cable media has pounced on this study, decreeing that 80 % of all Americans believe in the virgin birth!
See Video
Is this a random poll? Is this a poll representing only religious people? Registered Church-goers, unregistered Church-goers, undecided Church-goers, once a week Church-goers, more than once a week Church-goers, people who have faith, but don’t go to church. These are questions that should be important....

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shoelace414 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 02:50 PM
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1. ahem
In a new web poll just taken,
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