The info below was emailed to me by someone I know who writes email newsletters on Liberty. Some of this could be helpful to those of you who were wondering about doing this.
Well, today seems to be the day I get to fight with the Drug Nazis protecting and ensuring Americans don't spend their money overseas for good products at a much better price. I can only wonder how this fits into Mr. Snows statement concerning the dollar and what steps the Gestapo has taken to prop-up the dollar aside from tried and trued methods such as reducing the deficit or increasing interest rates.
As an American you are gauranteed the right of "contract". It is basic to a free market system to be able to carry on your day to day business with those people you wish to do business with. Why you prefer a certain business, possibly good service, personal acquaintence, or the product is sold at the right price. Of course there could be other reasons, but those are your reasons and they don't need to be justified by anyone else. If the government interfers, they must have a reason that is paramount to the governments survival, and I am dealing with a company out of England. I didn't know England was on a list of known enemies.
My fight today is with the Federal Drug Administration which has held up a prescription of mine in Los Angeles. Customs reported it, and the FDA is holding it. The reason the letter from the FDA claimed they were holding delivery was that the products were Mislabeled and or not approved.
Today on the phone with Ms. Kimberly F. Mills no such reason was given. Her first reason was, and I quote "the product is available here". I then told her I had the right to contract, which she turned around and now called a "privilege". At that point I asked to talk with her supervisor. After several attempts to get an answer, she finally gave me the phone number to her supervisor.
Why didn't she tell me what I had done to lose my "privileges"? Didn't I have to do anything wrong? I must say I loved the statement "the product is available here"; in future years are they going to demand that we go to Sav-On, or Wal-Mart? Or will it be to the discretion of the agent where she sends you to buy products, perhaps she has stock in Walgreens or Kroeger?
There is nothing in the rules that have changed. You are allowed to import 3 months supply of drugs you have been prescribed from outside of the United States for personal use.
Did 9-11 get mentioned? Why of course it did, it is the catch-all for taking away our freedom. It has become the "scapegoat" for everything hasn't it? Once again, who benefitted from 9-11? Arabs in a foreign land? I think not, unless cluster bombs are a benefit. Those that did benefit are the same one's that have been chipping away at our freedoms, and now have the perfect excuse. Maybe someday to make Mr. Bush happy, they won't hate us for our freedom, but pity us for our enslavement by our own government.
I can't help but think of the quote from Herman Goring at the Nuremburg Trials:
"Of course the people don't want war....That is understood. But... it is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether its a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, a parliment, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." 1946
Remember that under the war powers, governments obtain more power and war becomes the perfect solution to control people.