Travelling in Europe - Disguise yourself as a Canadian
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:20 PM
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Travelling in Europe - Disguise yourself as a Canadian |
It is pretty sad if this is what it has come to. Now you can buy a Canadian t-shirt and just pretend you're from Canada. That way you won't get spit on in foreign countries.
It is kind of creative idea, isn't it.
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:22 PM
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1. Or carry a jug of maple syrup and a hockey stick... |
That's not a stereotype is it?
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:23 PM
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Tue Dec-07-04 09:57 PM
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12. psst -- it's spelled "eh"! |
You'll never pass as one of us if you write it like that!
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:24 PM
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Lone Pawn
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:24 PM
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4. Wow, I bet nobody's ever done that in the last 20 years |
Fake Canadians have been around forever.
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:25 PM
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5. Why not just identify yourself as BLUE? |
We need an identifier that says I'm Not a RED American.
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:26 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Why don't you come up with a t-shirt? |
I don't know what it would say -
I'm a Blue American
Don't spit on me
I'm a Blue American
It's not my fault
Carl Brennan
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:42 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
9. What if you're a Native American? That could be |
a hard thing to explain. }(
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:28 PM
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I was a US student living in london 1973/74- and i was "canadian."
eh? i still got walloped in a pub by some greek guy who demanded that america should get its cia agents out of greece and let them solve their own problems.
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Tue Dec-07-04 05:42 PM
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8. the turks thought we were aussies in 2002. |
just dress PNW, it will fool them.
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Tue Dec-07-04 06:51 PM
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Europeans aren't rude, knee-jerk xenophobes who blame private citizens for governmental evils. I go to Europe every chance I get and no one has ever displayed any anti-American behavior towards me. No need to hide from them. Just don't be an UGLY American and you'll be okay.
I'll be hopping over the pond for Christmas and will see if things have changed since the most recent presidential selection...
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Tue Dec-07-04 06:56 PM
Response to Reply #10 |
11. I don't agree... Before the election what you say was true... after the |
election it's another story... You (I mean the general YOU) reelected that piece of crap...
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Tue Dec-07-04 09:58 PM
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13. You just have to keep from beating the crap out of Americans |
Whose entire knowledge of Canadians is based on Strange Brew.
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Tue Dec-07-04 10:02 PM
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14. If all Americans started pretending to be Canadian... |
What's then gonna prevent foreigners from catching on and thus spitting on any person with a red maple leaf on him or her? Wouldn't real Canadians be assumed as American as well in Europe then and be spat upon?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:32 AM
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