I read it, and I said to myself: "I'm a Generation X-er -- maybe I TOO should be a Republican." :eyes:
http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/12-07-2004/0002587687&EDATE=Expert Sees 'Seismic Shift' in the Political, Social and Cultural Landscape as Baby Boomers Recede from View, Gen X Takes Leadership
Year's Top News Stories Support the Trend -
Ann A. Fishman Available for Year-End News Analysis
NEW YORK, Dec. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- From the furor over Janet Jackson's bare breast to moral values as a key issue in the Presidential Election, in 2004 "Generation X" flexed its muscles as a force for shaping attitudes and trends in American politics and culture. Generational expert Ann Fishman says this marks a turning point: a shift away from the idealistic, "Me-driven" lifestyle
of the Baby Boom Generation, and toward the more practical, results-oriented values of Gen X.
Based on Fishman's research into the habits and values of American
consumers, Generation X -- more than 93 million Americans born between 1961 and 1981 -- has asserted itself as the leading force for change in American life, a development confirmed by the most important news stories of 2004.
Based on an analysis of seminal news events of 2004, here are the stories that Fishman ranked as the most important from a generational perspective:
#1 - President Bush wins re-election, with moral issues taking center stage.
#2 - Gen Xers save for retirement at almost the same pace as Baby Boomers.
#3 - Bloggers are "in," and Dan Rather is "out," as important sources for political information.
#4 - Sensing a mandate, Bush formulates an ambitious second-term economic agenda, beginning with Social Security reform.
#5 - Accountability takes center stage - as Martha Stewart goes to jail and Tom Daschle becomes the first sitting Senate Minority Leader to be defeated.***************************
And just a couple months ago, thanks to the Neocons, the AEI put out an article that said that it was GENERATION Y that was "more conservative than their parents."
I think this is just ludicrous, and an attempt to float another "fake meme" or construct that all the kids have turned Conservative. I teach a college class, where every one of them hate the Chimperor, and I and ALL my generation "X" friends are Democracts or leftists or anarchists or left-leaning libertarians. I don't even KNOW any Republicans -- and seriously -- in the last few years, I've run in social circles where I've known a couple hundred people (OK, most of them from Seattle, or artists and writers and musicians in graduate school...:)) -- but still -- even in my little brother's circle of truck-drivin' friends they aren't more "conservative" that their parents. MAYBE they are more "tricked into being pseudoconservatives but really supporting the right-wing authoritarian statist behemoth that is the Bush administration, the neocons and the theocrats" -- but not more CONSERVATIVE, by any means.
At any rate --
I CALL BULLSHIT and this needs to get stopped before we have another "security mom," canard on our hands.