...and, thanks to Oliver Willis, we see his Press Secretary doesn't have one either...
Mokhiber: Scott, on the Middle East - many evangelical Christians in the United States are supporting right-wing Jews in Israel who want to rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They (Evangelical Christians) believe this is a prerequisite for Christ's return to earth.
They believe that when Christ returns to earth - they call this the rapture - he will take back with him the true believers. And the rest - the non believers - Jews, Muslims - will be left behind to face a violent death here on earth.
My question is, as a born again Christian, does the President support efforts to rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount?
Scott McLellan: Russ, we can sit here and talk about religious issues. I will be glad to take your question, and if there is more, I will get back to you on that.
Mokhiber: Is he a born again Christian?
Scott McLellan: Thank you. (McLellan abruptly ends the press briefing and walks out.)
from the transcript. (but it doesn't describe him leaving the room. He did not do the briefing today. Stage Fright?